Outlines of Lectures for World History I

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First Section of Course (covered on Exam I)

Introductory class

Ice Age

Pastoralism and Agriculture


Egypt and the Aegean

India: Harappa and the Early Aryans

Early China

River Valley Civilizations:  Table

Americas and Oceania 

Second Section of Course (covered on Exam II)

 Careers for History Majors



Empires:  Persia and Alexander the Great

India:  Hinduism and Buddhism

Roman Republic and Empire

Christianity: Origins and Early Influences

China: Qin through Han and Sui 


Third Section of Course (covered on Exam III)

Axial Age

Origins of Islam

Medieval Europe


China and the Mongols

Africa (preliminary; check back after 4/30/13)

Empires in the Americas (preliminary, check back after 5/2/13)

Age of Exploration (preliminary, check back after 5/2/13)