Department of Teaching and Learning

EDRD 2200 70 and 71


Field Study in Education


Spring 2013




(Click here for complete syllabus)


Field Study Requirements (See EDCI 2200 Instructor for Due Dates)

Professionalism/Disposition (50) Click on Title for more information. (To be completed by Course instructor)

Context for Learning  (100 pts)-Click on Title for more information. 

Kid-watching Assignment  (100 pts) Click on Title for more information.

Reading Buddy Project- (100 pts) Students are required to tutor one or two struggling readers and  complete a   Recording Form for each tutoring session.  (Click here for Tutoring Resources). All tutoring materials will be due at the end of the term. (Rubric)

Teacher Evaluation Form  and Activity Log (Grade=Pass, Fail, or Remediation) (Provide each teacher with evaluation form and activity log. Evaluations and Logs must be returned to you in  a sealed envelope with teacher's signature on the seal or submitted directly to supervisor. Failure to submit evaluations and logs will result in course failure in addition to Disposition Deficiency, in student record.)  

Teacher Performance Appraisal- (for Feedback Only) Pre-service teachers will have a minimum two observations of teaching (one completed by the University Supervisor/one completed by the Mentor Teacher)

 Lesson Plans (Grades are given in EDCI 3500 and EDRD 3500) Student will implement 2 lessons (1 literacy lesson and 1 lit. based social studies) planned and evaluated in EDCI 3500 and EDRD 3500.  Information about these lessons will be given by respective course instructors.)    

See Resources at the Tennessee Curriculum Center   for common core and state standards.

Lesson Plan Format:

·         Lesson Plan Format (with prompts )

·         Lesson Plan Blank Template  

·         Lesson Plan Rubric  

Grading System=  350 pts Total


A=93-100% =  325-350

B=85-92%   =  298-324

C=75-84%  = 263-297

D=70-75%  =   245-262

F=69% and below =  0-244 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Negative or questionable Professionalism evaluations and Mentor Teacher Evaluations will result in a Disposition Deficiency, course failure, and/or removal from the Teacher Education Program. Negative or questionable Evaluations will be investigated thoroughly before any action is taken.