Department of Teaching and Learning

EDRD 3500 70 and 71

Literacy Methods I

Spring 2013


Instructor:                   Beth Morton Christian, Ed.D.

Phone:                         615-230-3706

E-mail:                         bchristian1@tnstate.edu

Homepage:                 http://faculty.tnstate.edu/bchristian1

Office Location:         VSCC Annex 300 Bldg. 103B

Class Days/Times:     Tues.12:30-3:30

Office Hours:              Tues.10:30-12:30

                                    EMAIL ANYTIME


Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education

                         Background Check

                         EDCI 2100


Co requisite: EDCI 3500 and EDCI 2200


Course Description   Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions  Key Performance Areas
Expectations/Information Course Assignments Grading System/Requirements Calendar

Required Texts:

Tomkins, G. (2009). Literacy in the 21st Century: A Balanced Approach. New York: Prentice-Hall. (FIFTH Edition w/My Education Lab Code)

Suggested Text:

Cunningham, P. & Allington, R. (2006) Classrooms that Work: They Can All Read and Write. Allyn & Bacon. (Fourth Edition)

Course Description:

            This course, designed to be taking in the second semester of the junior year, includes examining the reading process, understanding how children learn to read and write, exploring the stages of literacy development, and examining both directed and guided reading instruction as well as the role of phonics in reading and spelling. Focus is on balanced or comprehensive literacy in the early grades. This course is basic to learning how to teach reading and writing and how those change across the grades from kindergarten through middle school.



            In order to become a competent and caring professional, the prospective elementary teacher must acquire a knowledge base about reading and teaching reading, as well as about writing and teaching writing. This includes knowing how to organize a balanced literacy classroom, understanding developmental levels of learners, and understanding how to use available materials and resources effectively.  This course provides opportunities and experiences for developing and refining the basic knowledge and skills a teacher needs for teaching reading and writing in effectively in real classrooms.  Current research and emerging best practices suggest that instruction focusing on large interdisciplinary themes is the most effective way to promote learning.  Instruction that focuses on using reading as a tool for learning and inquiry is the best way to develop literacy. This course and its companion course, EDRD 4500 which focus on assessment and planning for literacy instruction across the grades, provides pre-service teachers with a foundation for beginning literacy instruction. These courses facilitate the acquisition of basic skills and knowledge needed by the prospective elementary teacher to organize for instruction, assess learners, plan for and carry out instruction, and evaluate the development of reading and writing in children.



Course Proficiencies*

 (*Course proficiencies are based on the seven (7) Key Performance Areas which have identified by the Professional Education Unit.  The complete listing of Key Performance Areas is available at www.tnstate.edu/coeweb -> student resources -> key performance areas.)

Knowledge and Skills


KSD 1 Plan:

1a3.    Identifies goals and objectives that include the key concepts of the content area and are developmentally appropriate for all students.

1a4.    Includes goals and objectives that emphasize higher order thinking skills appropriate to the content area and the students.

1b1.   Uses state performance indicators and classroom assessments within the

content area to obtain information about students, their achievement, and uses

this information to design and deliver appropriate instruction.

1b3.    Selects research-based strategies, methods, activities, and materials validated

as sound practice within the content area.

1b4.    Designs instruction to cause students to integrate content knowledge, skills, and

            inquiry across content areas.

1b5.    Designs instruction that utilizes materials, human and community resources, and

            technology in ways appropriate to the content area.

1c2. Plans and designs content instruction that is developmentally appropriate and includes strategies, activities, and assessments appropriate to the content and learner.

KSD 3 Evaluate

3a1. Aligns classroom assessments with state performance indicators and grade level accomplishments.

KSD 7 Specialize

7a2.    Demonstrates competence in development of and application of content-specific pedagogical skills based on Tennessee and specialized professional association (SPA) criteria.




D1. Plan: Value learners’ experiences and strengths as a basis for growth and their errors as learning opportunities.

D5. Model Professionalism: Consistently demonstrate caring, fairness, responsibility, professional dress and behaviors, appropriate interactions, professional standards and ethics, commitment to service, and respect for all learners and constituents.


Field Experience Information


The field experience requirements for this course are facilitated through the co-requisite, EDCI 2200, Field Studies in Education.



Instructional Strategies




Laboratory Exercises

Technology (instructor)

Field Experience


Individual Presentations

Group Discussions

Group Presentations



1)   Academic Integrity - You are responsible for what you achieve in this class; therefore neither cheating nor plagiarism will be tolerated.  Any material taken from another work must be documented, and in no case should one represent another’s work as one’s own, this includes information received from others during examinations or submitting another’s assignments, papers, etc. as one’s own.  Students involved in collaborative research, to avoid questions of plagiarism, should exercise extreme caution.  If in doubt, students should check with the major professor.  In addition to the other possible disciplinary sanctions which may be imposed through the regular institutional procedures as a result of academic misconduct, the instructor has the authority to assign an “F” or a zero for the exercise or examination, or to assign an “F” in the course.

2)   Classroom conduct The instructor has the primary responsibility for control over classroom behavior and maintenance of academic integrity, and can order temporary removal or exclusion from the classroom of any student engaged in disruptive conduct or conduct in violation of the general rules and regulations of the institution.

3)   Official Course Enrollment - Students who are not on the official class roll may not remain in class.  These students must leave class and may not return to class until they enroll in the course and their names show up on the official class roster.  Please make sure you are in the correct section.

4)   Disabled Student Services – Any student who has a condition which might interfere with his/her performance in class is required to contact the office of Disabled Student Services.  This office is located in room #117 Floyd Payne Student Center.  The phone number is 963-7400.  They will provide you with a document stating what type of classroom accommodations, if any, are to be made by the instructor.  The student is to give a copy of this document to the instructor no later than the end of the second week of class.  Failure to do so will result in the instructor making no special accommodations of any kind. 

5)   Classroom Dispositions - Reading and writing assignments and group interaction as well as individual contributions are required. If you are absent for a “group” project, you will negatively affect the learning process for the other students. In a college environment, students should expect to spend one to three hours out of class for every hour they are in class. Some students will need to spend many more hours than others searching, reading and evaluating books and other reading activities as well as all writing all the assignments. The students and the instructor will treat all individuals with respect. Disruptive, rude, or hostile behavior undermines the class experience for everyone in the class and will be grounds for failure. Each student has expectations for his or her own learning and success in the course. No one should be confronted with unacceptable classroom demeanor. Please consult the RRCC Handbook and Calendar for FERPA, Student Code of Conduct, and Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Format: Each class session will include some combination of lecture/discussions and simulation experiences, small and large group activities, audio-visual presentations, demonstrations, group events, and reflection on individual learning.  All events are designed to stimulate personal association with and application and critical understanding of the information presented.

Course Assignments: (500 pts)-See Course Calendar for Due Date



  1. ·    Participation and Professionalism: (Attendance, Participation, etc): (100 pts) Professionalism is an important requirement for all teachers. It is usually demonstrated by a set of behaviors which indicate your commitment to your profession.  Those behaviors will be expected during this class.  Points will be awarded by the instructor based on student attendance, effort, active participation in class discussions, in-class assignments, and individual participation during in-class group work.  

  2. ·     Reading Check ups: (100 pts) (MyEducationLab Praxis quizzes online (10 @ 10 pts each). This assignment provides students with a review quiz of each chapter in our text. This practice quiz is completed on-line with the results of your quiz being sent to the instructor.

  3. ·     Literacy Dictionary: (100 pts) Students will create a literacy dictionary flip-book of useful literacy terminology and literacy teaching strategies. Students will add new terms and strategies each week as they progress through the course.

  4.       Common Core English Language Arts Project (under construction)

  5. ·     Literacy Lesson Plan I: Shared Reading/Read Aloud Lesson:(100 pts) Students will collaborate with one or two other students in the class to prepare a 30- 45 minute read aloud/share reading lesson plan incorporating pre, during, post reading activities outlined by the instructor.  Students will perform the read aloud/shared reading with the class on the scheduled date.

  6. ·     Literacy Lesson Plan II: Foundational Skills Literacy Lesson Plan (100 pts)- Students will develop a literacy lesson plan focusing on word study, fluency, comprehension, phonics, phonemic awareness, and/or a combination of the above. Lesson plan scoring rubric.

  7. ·     Mid-term Exam: (50-pts.)

  8. ·     Final (Problem-Based Learning Case) (100 pts)


Grading System= 650 pts Total


A=93-100% = 601-650 pts

B=85-92%   = 555-600pts

C=75-84%  = 485-554 pts

D=70-75%  =  450-484 pts

F=69% and below = 0-449 pts

Other Course Requirements (that may affect your grade)

a. Attend and participate in class. Missing more than one three-hour session will affect your professionalism grade and/or your overall grade in the class.


b. In the event that a class is missed, be responsible for information discussed and make arrangements with classmates or others to obtain the information.


c. Participate in discussions in a professional way. We may discuss controversial topics and you may disagree with ideas presented by others. While you can question a person's idea, personal attacks will not be allowed. Class members not respecting others' right to learn will be asked to leave the classroom and need to speak to the instructor before returning.


d. Submit assignments on time. LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED ONE DAY BEYOND THE DUE DATE AND WILL RESULT IN REDUCTION BY ONE LETTER GRADE.  Exceptions will only be made for validated medical or emergency situations.  Due dates are firm, so plan ahead!


e. Cell phones must be turned off during class. NO TEXTING. Cell phones may be left on in the silent/vibrate mode in emergence situations.

Other Good Books for Novice Teachers:


Anderson, C. 2000. How’s It Going? A Practical Guide to Conferring with Student

Writers. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.


Atwell, N.  1998.  In the Middle, 2nd Ed.  Portsmouth, NH:  Heinemann.


Barron, M.  1990.  I learned to read and write the way I learned to talk. Katonah, NY: Richard                   C. Owen.


Cambourne, B. and J. Turbill. 1987. Coping with Chaos. Portsmouth, NH:



Caulkins, L. 1994.  The Art of Teaching Writing. Portsmouth, NH:  Heinemann.


Caulkins, L.  2000.  The Art of Teaching Reading. Portsmouth, NH:  Heinemann.


Fisher, B. 1998. Joyful Learning, 2nd ed. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.


Fletcher, R. and J. Portalupi. 2001. Writing Workshop: The Essential Guide

Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann

Fletcher, R.  and J. Portalupi, 2007.   Craft Lessons, 2nd Ed.  Portsmouth, NH:  Heinemann.


Freeman, D. and Y. Freeman. 2000. Teaching Reading in Multilingual Classrooms.

            Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.


Heard, G.  1998.  Awakening the Heart.  Portsmouth, NH:  Heinemann.


Heard, G.  2002.  The Revision Toolbox Portsmouth, NH:  Heinemann.


Hindley, J. 1996. In the Company of Children. York, ME: Stenhouse.


Johnston, P. 2000. Running Records: A Self-Tutoring Guide. York, ME: Stenhouse.


Keene, Ellin and S. Zimmerman.  2007.  Mosaic of Thought, 2nd ed.  Portsmouth, NH: 



Mooney, M.  1990.  Reading to, with, and by.  Katonah, NY:  Richard C. Owen.


Nelson, J. 1987.  Positive discipline.  New York: Balantine Books.


Opitz, M. 2000. Rhymes and Reasons: Literature for Language Play and Phonological

            Awareness. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.


Opitz, M. and M. Ford. 2001. Reaching Readers: Flexible and Innovative Strategies

            for Guided Reading. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.


Owocki, G. 2001. Make Way for Literacy! Teaching the Way Young Children Learn.

            Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.


Parsons, S.  2005.  First Grade Writers.   Portsmouth,  NH:  Heinemann.


Peterson, R. 1990. Life in a Crowded Place.  Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.


Peterson, R. & Eeds, M. 1990.   Grand conversation: Literature groups in action.  Jefferson                       City, MO: Scholastic.


Rief, L.  Seeking Diversity: Language Arts with Adolescents. Portsmouth, NH:



Short, K. & Pierce, K. 1990.  Talking about books: Creating literate communities.  Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

The Major Journals in Elem. Reading/Lang. Arts


Elementary School Journal

5 issues per year

            This journal covers all subject areas, reports research, and presents think pieces for and by teachers, researchers, administrators, and teacher educators.


Holistic Education Review

2 issues per year

            This is a forum for innovative, experimental, leading-edge ideas in education.  It explores and challenges traditional assumptions and methods of mainstream education.  The journal seeks to explain humanistic alternative approaches to education.


The Horn Book

6 issues per year

            This journal presents announcements of forthcoming works and reviews of children's literature.  Covering fiction and nonfiction genres, the magazine also offers articles on using literature in the classroom.


Language Arts

8 issues per year

            This journal is the elementary language arts journal for the National Council of Teachers of English.  Each monthly issue is themed.  The journal contains articles dealing with issues in language arts and literacy development.


The New Advocate

4 issues per year

            This journal promotes children's literature in the classroom and issues related to more humanistic instruction.  Reviews of children's literature are also included.


The Reading Teacher

9 issues per year

            This journal focuses on practical application articles.  It is the elementary journal of the International Reading Association.  Included in this publication is "Children's Choices", a list of books chosen by children as their favorites.