Name:________________________                                                                                           Score____________________

39 points or less
40-44 points
45-50 points



Attendance EACH  unexcused absence (above the 1excused) will result in the lowering of final grade. Ex. (2 classes unexcused=B 3 classes=C) 1Absence will be excused with no penalty on a case-by- case basis. Valid reasons include previously scheduled  Praxis Exams,  Unexpected Illness, or Death in the Family)



Rarely well groomed or appropriately dressed
Usually well groomed and appropriately dressed
Consistently well groomed and appropriately dressed
In-class disposition and attitude
Rarely attentive,  positive, or constructive.

Often causes classroom disruptions

Usually positive and constructive

Occasionally off-task, disruptive, or inattentive.

Consistently attentive, respectful, positive and constructive
Electronic Participation Rarely participates in online activities facilitate through designated online forum. Usually participates in online activities facilitate through designated online forum. Communicates effectively and professionally through email and/r consistently participates in online activities facilitated through designated online forum (if applicable)
Rarely offers to participate in our community of learners
Usually offers to participate in our community of learners
Consistently offers to participate in our community of learners
Rarely fulfills tasks and responsibilities
Usually fulfills tasks and responsibilities
Consistently fulfills tasks and responsibilities
Rarely recognizes and takes advantage of opportunities to contribute to all areas of teaching and learning
Usually and takes advantage of opportunities to contribute to all areas of teaching and learning
Consistently recognizes and takes advantage of opportunities to contribute to all areas of teaching and learning
Rarely makes appropriate decisions
Usually makes appropriate decisions
Consistently makes appropriate decisions
Rarely prepared for course and classroom instruction
Usually prepared for course and classroom instruction
Consistently prepared for course and classroom instruction
Rarely prompt
Often late
Never or Rarely  late
Rarely accepts professional guidance
Usually accepts professional guidance
Consistently accepts professional guidance