


 This website comprises a manual of fitness that is a compilation of fitness concepts and principles discovered through many years of coaching and teaching, collaboration with many professionals in the field of coaching and fitness, a variety of printed resources, and through hundreds of articles on research, as well as through feedback from many students and student-athletes.  The authors of this manual have attempted to make it a useful and accurate source of information for fitness enthusiasts and active sports participants, including elite athletes, individuals who are not perfectly healthy, students in-training for careers involving fitness, coaches, and other health fitness professionals.  It is the authors' hope and expectation that this manual will assist these persons in acquiring a greater understanding of fitness and the ability to make informed choices that are effective, when they select fitness training modalities for themselves and others to improve the quality of their fitness activities and, subsequently their fitness potentials.

The purpose of this manual is to introduce a unique concepts about fitness and how these dimensions of fitness are interrelated: the fitness potential model, an innovative fitness model, that can be utilized to enhance one's ability to assess, select, plan, and perform fitness activities in his or her daily living, so as to increase, maintain, or decrease their level of fitness and the total fitness index, a single value that symbolizes each individual's level of fitness, relative to their present fitness levels of fitness potential, including their future fitness potential.  The total fitness index is a function of an individual's present level of fitness and desired future level of fitness, both of which represent a specific level of fitness at a specific point in time.  And its value always represents a level of fitness potential or performance that is a some point between an individual's theoretical maximum level of fitness and his or her theoretical minimum level of fitness.

The fitness potential model and total fitness index are discussed in three sections.  Section I covers preparation, which includes five topics that serve as the foundation of the fitness potential model.  Section II provides an analysis of the eight components of fitness comprising the fitness potential model: flexibility, endurance (cardio), strength, skill, body composition, energy, nutrition, and strategy.  And Section III introduces essential concepts, relative to the training the eight components of fitness of the fitness potential model.  Specific examples of how to develop realistic fitness training programs for individuals who are capable of performing physical activity.  The ultimate goal of the fitness potential model is to provide guidelines that may be used to enhance an individual's ability to effectively assess, improve, and maintain his or her desired levels of fitness potential.
