Exam 2 Study Guide
HIST 2070

I. Topic areas:

II. Lectures: The exam will cover the following lectures

III. Readings:

IV. STRUCTURE OF THE EXAM: The exam will have two parts, an essay portion and an identifications portion, each worth 50%.

Exam Structure: The exam will consist of two parts, an essay section and an identification section, each worth 50%. You will choose one essay from a selection that will be drawn from the essays below. For the identifications, you will be given a list of at least ten terms, drawn from the terms below, of which you will choose five for long (paragraph-length) identifications discussing the historical significance of those terms.

Grading Criteria:

V. Essay Questions: You will have to choose one of the following essay questions.

  1. What factors made nineteenth century industrialization possible, and why did some regions industrialize much faster than others? ID TERMS: enclosure movement, James Watt, Liberalism, Romanticism, Nationalism
  2. What ideas were used to justify European Imperialism in the nineteenth century? ID TERMS: Berlin Conference, Quinine, Social Darwinism, Liberia, settler colonies, Gatlin Gun, Scramble for Africa, Economic imperialism
  3. How were the new politics of the nineteenth century an accommodation of the needs of industrialization, and how were they a reaction against it? ID Terms: Nationalism, Karl Marx, Anarchism, Utilitarianism, John Stuart Mills