Links, Spring 2009
Documentation Links
Grammar and Spelling Assistance,
provided by Colin Thomas. This site not only gives you access to English
words and definitions but to many other languages.
Free Graphics, Fonts, and Other Goodies
Remember: you may use freely graphics, fonts, and other goodies if and only if the site says that these things are "public domain" or "free to use for the public" or "free to use for non-commercial purposes" (if you plan to use them for non-commercial purposes).
PowerPoint Help
Search Engines
Let's start with the basics.
Here are a few more sophisticated search engines. Although the basic search engines do an adequate job, it's always a good idea to use one of these more powerful engines in conjunction.
Writing for the Web
This web page was originally created for my English 249s and 249cw classes at the University of Connecticut and modified for English 3107 at Tennessee State University on January 10, 2008. Modified for English 3105 on August 21, 2008. Last update, January 21, 2009.