Syllabus Schedule Assignments

English 1020: Freshman Composition II, Fall 2007


Grading Rubric for In-Class Writing

Art and Adaptation

Critical Review

Research Paper


General Guidelines for Assigned Work

  1. Due Dates
    • All work is due on the day assigned, except with an extension.
    • All extensions must be requested at least forty-eight hours in advance.
    • Students must inform the professor if taking the emergency (24-hour) extension when the paper is due. The paper then become due 24 hours later exactly in the departmental mailbox or by e-mail.
    • Late work will receive a zero grade.

  2. Drafts
    • I expect you to do several drafts of your work before handing in a final version and grade you accordingly.
    • If you would like me to look over your draft and offer comments, contact me, and we will arrange a meeting.

  3. Paper Format and Other Minutiae
    • All work must be grammatically and syntactically correct, and spelled correctly.
    • Cite all outside information, ideas, facts, quotations, statistics, etc.
    • Type or print (on a printer) all papers.
    • Include the page number and your name in the top right corner of all pages.
    • You may single or double-space papers.
    • Use .doc or .rtf formats if you must submit electronically.

  4. Handing in your Work
    • Give me a physical paper during class.
    • Leave it my mailbox (Humanities 103) before class on its due date.
    • E-mail it to me with prior arrangement. If you must submit electronically, work received with viruses or in an unreadable format will receive a zero.

  5. Keep back-up copies of everything in case of crashes, hard drive corruption, hungry pets, viruses, Trojan horses, power surges, power outages, fires, floods, blizzards, civil unrest, theft, the Blue Screen of Death, and other miscellaneous natural and artificial disasters.

This page was modified for English 1020, Sections 11, 12, and 19 at Tennessee State University and is based on a page revised in January 2006 for English 249cw, section 01 at the University of Connecticut. Last update, September 5, 2007.