BIO 432 Field Botany

Phil Ganter

301 Harned Hall


Kalmia latifolia, the Mountain Laurel - Found on acidic, well drained soils from Maine to Florida. These were found on the Blue Ridge in Virginia

Course Objectives

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Purpose of the page:

The objectives of a course are the bare bones of what you will be expected to know by the end of a course. Some you will already known when you sign up for the course, some you will have to learn.

Objectives for Taxonomy vs Systematics page:

The student will be able to:

  1. describe the function of classification
  2. distinguish between taxonomy and systematics and be able to identify a classification as systematic or taxonomic
  3. describe the reasons for preferring natural classifications over artificial classifications
  4. describe the reason that classical taxonomy is an hierarchical scheme of classification
  5. describe the role that key characteristics play in taxonomy
  6. describe why consistency is both valuable for taxonomy and hard to achieve.
  7. distinguish between phenetics and cladistics
  8. describe the essential features of a dendrogram, including its shape and the assumptions about time inherent in a dendrogram
  9. relate the reason that botanical taxonomy uses "division", rather than "phylum" as the hierarchical level below that of kingdom and above that of class
  10. define the following terms:

Objectives for Morphology page:

The student will be able to:

Objectives for Plant Kingdom page:

The student will be able to:

Objectives for Plant Family page:

For the following plant families:

    1. Aceraceae
    2. Cactaceae
    3. Compositae
    4. Curcubitaceae
    5. Fabaceae
    6. Fagaceae
    7. Orchidaceae
    8. Poaceae
    9. Rosaceae
    10. Solanaceae

the student will be able to:

Objectives for Collection:

The student will collect, identify, and mount 50 specimens of local plant species.

The student will present a collection that includes specimens from at least two plant taxonomic group above that of the family.

The student will present a collection that includes specimens from at least ten different plant families.

Last updated on July 5, 2006