TSU Faculty Webpage


Charles D. Dickens, Ph. D.

Interim Head
Department of Teaching & Learning
Clay Education Building Room 203
Phone: (615) 963-5029
email: cdickens@tnstate.edu

Quote DB

Fall 2008

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 0900-0499 pm Office

Department of Teaching & Learning Office

Clay 203

 Thursday 0440-0740 pm Class  EDCI 6190_80 Microcomputers & Educational Services

Clay 208

Friday 0900-0300 pm Office

Department of Teaching & Learning Office

Clay 203

other times by appointment


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Duncan and Simon

(right click (Win) or Ctrl-click (Mac) and select Play to make Simon move)

Simon in a pensive mood, gazes out the window.
Duncan loves to be comfortable, especially on a pile of pillows.

Simon's Story

Duncan's Adventure

The brothers at rest.