Reflective Activity Log


Name__________________ Teacher _____________________School______________________________________  Grade Level___________________

Complete this form for each day you are in the field.

Click here for a Typable/Printer Friendly Word Document

Click here for the Scoring Rubric



Time in:  

Time out:  

Setting: (Regular Classroom, Field Trip, etc)


Today’s Activities:  (Check all that Apply)





_______  Assisted Individual Students/Small Groups


_______  Tutored (Reading)

________Tutored (Math/Science)


________Taught Lesson (Small Group/Whole Class)


________Service Learning (assisted with Field Day, Field Trips, Book Fairs, and/or other activities beyond M/W requirements)




DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: (Describe: What you did, what the students did, what happened during the session, the teachers and/or student’s observable behaviors.)




REFLECTION: (Reflect on: What you learned, your strengths, areas for growth, what you might do differently next time, your thoughts, your feelings, questions, etc.)