Rubric for Reflective Activity Log
Name:___________ Total Score: ___________
Criteria |
Unacceptable=0 74 or below |
Developing=1 75-84 |
Acceptable=2 85-92 |
Exemplary=3 93-100pts
Score |
Entries (40 pts) |
Entries are minimal and show little thought or effort. Many entries are missing. |
Entries are limited in information. Several entries are missing. |
9 Entries/9 Sessions Most entries show thought and effort. |
10 Entries/10 sessions Entries are complete. descriptive, reflective, informative and exceed all requirements. |
Reflection in Entries (40 pts) |
Little or brief discussion and reflection |
Entries include a vague description of field experiences with some reflections on growth and areas for improvement for candidate as well as students. |
Entries include a description of field experiences with reflections on growth and areas for improvement for candidate as well as students. |
Entries include rich description of field experiences with thoughtful reflections on growth and areas for improvement for candidate as well as students. (Evidence of critical thinking.) |
Conventions/ Mechanics (20 Pts) |
Numerous errors in conventions and mechanics of writing. |
Some errors in conventions and mechanics of writing. |
Errors in conventions and mechanics that do not interfere with reader’s understanding |
Few, if any errors, in conventions and mechanics of writing that do not interfere with reader’s understanding. |