Annotated Bibliography of Children's Literature and Web
Students will compile an annotated bibliography of Children's Literature geared toward elementary school students , keeping in consideration the grade level of field placements for the course. (minimum of 10 books)
Students will do a focused internet search for websites that will compliment each piece of literature they have chosen an describe how the site could be used in conjunction with the literature. (minimum 10-one for each book)
Students will locate a minimum of 10 internet resources for phonemic awareness, phonics, word study, fluency and comprehension. Students will annotate each resource. (minimum of 2 for each category-minimum total of 10)
Children's Literature
Grouped by: (Ex. theme, genre, author, grade level, content, etc.)
1) Canon, J. (1993). Stellaluna. San Diego: Harcourt Harbrace & Company.
Stellaluna is the story of a young bat who is separated from her mother. While she is separated from her mother she befriends a family of birds. She learns to be like the birds and "behave as a good bird should." When she is reunited with her bat family, she realizes that she is different. She is happy to be with her bat family because it was difficult being something she was not. However, she also realizes that being different is not so bad. She discovers that she can be friends with her bird friends and be herself at the same time. At the end of the book, the reader can find factual information about Bats in "Bat Notes." A unit of study of Stellaluna might include connections to Social Studies (diversity), Science (Bats and Birds), and Language Arts (writing, Venn Diagrams, etc...). Grade level(s): K-2
1) Webpage Title: Teacher CyberGuide to Stellaluna
The Teacher Cyber Guide to Stellaluna was created by a group in California as part of the Schools of California Online Resources for Educators (SCORE) Project. The cyberguide is designed as unit of study in which students first learn about fruit bats and read related literature. The site provides teachers and students with links and resources to use as part of the unit of study.
2) Next book here
Reading Component Websites (related to phonics, phonemic awareness, word study, fluency and comprehension)
1) Webpage Title: Starfall
Skills- letter recognition, phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency
Starfall is an interactive website geared towards providing online resources and activities for emerging and beginning readers. Parents, teachers, and students can find a plethora of resources for phonemic awareness practice, phonics practice, fluency practice. Young students can read along as texts are read aloud and participate in decoding and word play activities. Teachers can find print resources to use in their classrooms while parents can find ways to support their young readers.
2) next website here