EDRD 3500

Scoring Rubric for Reading  Resources









Exemplary= 3



Children’s Literature

10 pts

Bibliography includes fewer than 10 sources and sources are in improper format

Bibliography properly cites 11-15 sources and/or compiled in incorrect format

Bibliography properly cites  8-9 sources and/or compiled in incorrect format

Bibliography properly cites 10 sources in APA format.


10 pts

Bibliography is incomplete.

Annotations include a vague summary of each title including with few or no suggestions for content integration.

Each annotation includes a summary of each title including some suggestions for content integration.

Each annotation includes a complete summary of each title including detailed suggestions for content integration.

Internet sources

10 pts

Bibliography and summaries are missing or incomplete.

Bibliography cites internet sources for each title and site summaries are missing or incomplete.

Bibliography properly cites internet sources for each title, but include summaries of site contents lack detail.

Bibliography properly cites internet sources for each title including a summary of site contents so that use for parents, teachers, and/or students is clear.

Reading sites

10 pts

Bibliography contains fewer than 5 internet sites.

Bibliography includes 5-7 internet sites.

Bibliography includes 8-9 internet sites

Bibliography includes two internet site for each of the five components of reading including  summaries of site contents.


10 pts


Poorly written. No format is used.

Poorly written , with many grammatical, stylistic, or typographical errors.

Compiled in incorrect format.

Somewhat well-written, with few grammatical, stylistic, or typographical errors.


Well-written, with no grammatical, stylistic, or typographical errors.