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HIST 350 Exam 2 -Take Home Exam
Due Date: This test is due at 4:00 p.m., April 15, 2002, in
Topic Areas: The exam will cover all of the 20th century
topics from the Rise of New Actors (USA, Middle
and Working Classes) to the National Security Doctrine governments and responses
to them. Please note that not all the lectures originally scheduled were
actually covered in class. Only those in the following list will be on the exam.
Lecture Notes: The test will cover the following
Structure of the Exam:
This is a take-home essay exam. You will have to do two essays from the following list.
You must indicate one as your major essay and one as your minor essay. Your
major essay will be worth 60%, your minor 40%. In grading these
essays, I will assume you have done the appropriate readings. In doing an essay, there are certain things you should remember. A
good essay will first of all answer the question. Make sure you do address all
parts of the question. A good essay is both specific and general: specific in
its examples, general in its use of major themes. Finally, a good essay has a
definite structure: an introduction, a body with an organization and argument,
and a conclusion. So, in doing your essay, you should:
- 1) State you main ideas clearly.
- 2) Give your essay structure. I'd suggest preparing an outline as you
- 3) Give specific examples to back up your main ideas.
Essay Questions:
- 1. Compare the Mexican and the Cuban Revolutions. Which one of them best
meets the following definition of revolution: "A sudden, forceful
overturn of established cultural, political, social, and economic
institutions, usually accompanied by violence, and their substitution with
new institutions."
- 2. How has the Cold War Ethos shaped U.S. foreign policy in Cuba and
- 3. Discuss how the appearance in the early 20th century of new social and
political forces, as discussed in the lecture The
Rise of New Actors, impacted any two Latin American or Caribbean
- 4. Discuss the importance of silence, of hiding the truth
about repression, in countries ruled by National Security Doctrine
governments. Why was silence so important to these governments? Who benefited
from silence and who suffered? Give at least one example of people
struggling against silence and why they did so.
- 5. Discuss the roots of National Security Doctrine,
including the relationship between the Cold War Ethos and National Security
Doctrine. Why did these governments feel justified in repressing and killing
their citizens?
- 6. Compare the Mexican, Cuban, and Guatemalan revolutions.
To what extent were the causes and goals of these revolutions similar? What differences
can you find in their causes and goals?
- 7. Mexico experienced not one but at least three
revolutions between 1910 and 1920. How did the first the Sonoran Dynasty and
then the Cardenas government try to meet the demands of those many
- 8. What were the aims and goals of the Guatemalan
Revolution? Why did Arbenz think agrarian reform was needed to achieve those
goals? What role did that reform play in Eisenhower's decision to overthrow
Academic Honesty and Use of Other Sources: Do not even think
of turning in work other than your own. Do not download from the Internet, do
not copy from books, do not share your work, do no, do not, do not. If you use a
source other than the textbook, readings, or class notes, be sure to use
citations. No citations equals plagiarism. Plagiarism equals a zero on the
exam. If you have any questions about this policy, ask me, not another
student, not your mom, or your preacher, or the mailman.
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