The New Sciences
The Second Scientific Revolution
The Second Scientific Revolution
The Scientific Revolution of the 16th-18th centuries revolutionized the "Classical Sciences"
These include astronomy, mathematics, mechanics, optics
These sciences had been around since the dawn of human civilization
They were, at least through the Scientific Revolution, primarily theoretical, mathematical and observational
The 19th and 20th centuries witnessed the emergence of new, "Baconian" sciences
These included initially the study of magnetism, electricity, heat
Other new sciences emerged as well, or were radically altered beyond recognition, such as chemistry and geology
These science were more experimental, based on qualitative study
Rested more on collection of raw data than upon theoretical modeling
Because they were based on data collection, they were also highly dependent on the development of technical equipment
As the classical and the Baconian sciences begin to emerge in the early 19th century, a "Second" Scientific revolution begins
Qualitative, data driven sciences become more mathematical and theoretical
Theoretical and mathematical sciences begin to do much more with data collection
Separate sciences began to merge or collaborate on ever larger scales
Study in biology, electricity, mechanic, magnetism, and chemistry all contributed to the discovery of electromagnetic induction and field theory
The unification of the study of heat and of motion produced thermodynamics
The realization that electricity and light moved at the same speed confirmed suspicions of a deeper unity underlying both, and the whole natural world
The Classical World View
The unification and collaboration of sciences enabled a unified intellectual understanding of the physical world emerged (the Classical World View) by the 1880s
Elements of the Classical World View
Space and time are uniform and absolute - space is Euclidean and time flows at a constant, absolute rate
The universe is made up of three things: matter, energy, and a universal ether
matter was made up of chemical atoms with no interior parts
these atoms each had unique characteristics
they could be combined to form complex chemicals, but could not be divided
The realization that electricity flowed in fields and that light seemed to behave as a wave seemed to confirm Newton's idea of an ether
Did not waves and flows need something to flow in?
These atoms contained mechanical energy, and their motions and those of ever larger objects could be understood through Newton's mechanics
all forms of energy - light, heat, mechanical, electromagnetic, chemical - could be interchanged, converted into one another
Science as an institution and profession reorganizes
Having abandoned the medieval universities in the First S.R., science returns to the university in the Second
New schools are founded - the Ecole Polytechnique (France), 1794; the Royal Institution (England) 1799- among others
New kinds of teaching and research emerge in the universities, notably the teaching laboratory
The PhD increasingly becomes a requirement or a career in science as the nineteenth century advances
New specialized institutions and associations emerge for the various sciences, as do new journals
And new language - the word "scientist" is coined in English in 1840
Applied Sciences in the Second Scientific Revolution
As both industrialization and science progress, real collaboration becomes increasingly common in the 19th century
Faraday's and Maxwell's work on energy fields led directly to new developments
Wheatstone and Morse's work on the telegraph followed shortly on Faraday's demonstration of magnetic inductions
Maxwell and Hertz's work on electromagnetic waves directly inspired Marconi to develop the radio
The development of electrical generators and motors was also a logical outcome of Faraday and Maxwell's work
This was true in other areas - 19th century advances in chemistry led to the development of synthetic dyes
But in all of these cases and others, significant technical hurdles had to be overcome to turn scientific discovery into viable, commercial technologies