Military Dictatorships and the Dirty Wars
The Enemy
(Guerilla Movements - A Brief Sketch)
Long history of "irregular warfare" in Latin America
In many places, geography lends itself to this - mountains, jungles, etc.
As does a history of mismatches in power and high levels of class and race based exploitation
Frequent history of civil war, private armies, and divided militaries creates culture of violence and provides potential (armed) recruits
A history of banditry in some less well-governed regions can easily transition into guerilla activity (and vice-versa)
Some organized guerilla activity before WWII
Augusto Sandino in Nicaragua battled U.S. occupation 1926-1933
Emiliano Zapata, Pancho Villa, both made use of guerilla tactics in Mexican Revolution
Things pick up after WWII, but real turning point is Cuban Revolution (1959)
Castro provides inspiration
Also provides a model
Small group engages rural peasants, gaining their support
Lives off land, moves frequently, strikes at established military for supplies
As control over countryside increases, coordinate with resistance in cities
Use control of countryside to choke off and capture cities
Base political power on a union of urban leftist intellectuals with rural peasants
Most, though not all, post-1960 guerilla movements will try to pursue some version of this model
Cuba also provides assistance
Will provide money, material, training, and a safe haven
Cuba seeks to create revolutionary states in order to break US-imposed isolation
Much of the money and supplies comes from the Soviet Union, but Havana and Moscow do not always agree
Havana generally more radical than Moscow, which fears confrontation with United States
Che Guevara killed trying to develop guerilla movement in Bolivia (1967)
This puts a damper on Cuban support for guerillas, but doesn't end completely until 1990-91, when Soviet aid ends
A wide spread movement in 1960s, 70s, and 80s
Most Latin American countries see some kind of guerilla activity during in this period
Some of the more important groups
Colombia - FARC, others, still ongoing, and powerful, significant involvement in drug trade,
Shining Path - notable for its ferocity and cultish devotion to leader, once controlled large part of Peruvian rural zones
Tupac Amaru - more traditional uniformed rebel group
Nicaragua - Sandanistas overthrow Somoza 1979, lose election and leave power 1990, remains an important party
Guatemala and El Salvador - both civil wars end in early 90s, but after tremendous carnage
Argentina and Chile - small movements, but spark ferocious responses from military
Groups like the Zapatistas in Mexico (who don't appear till 1995) and the Tupamaros in Uruguay emphasized political theater
Who are they?
Rural peasants, frequently Amerindian
Urban intellectuals, mostly leftists
In some cases, disaffected military
A variety of goals
Much variety - generally Marxist, nationalist, and anti-imperialist
Some follow Cuban line
Others seek a more democratic, mixed-economy model, like Sandinistas
Shining Path sought a totalitarian restructuring of an extreme form, along lines of Khmer Rouge
Peasantry has consistently wanted one thing - land
What happened?
In some countries, ferociousness of military wiped them out (Chile, Argentina)
Others laid down arms and became political parties (El Salvador, Guatemala, some in Colombia, Peru)
Sandinistas won, but lost presidential election in 1990. Remain largest party in Nicaragua, recapturing presidency in 2006
Shining Path weakened by arrests, military defeats, but retain control of some rural regions of country and siphons money from drug trade, while Tupac Amaru has not recovered from arrests of leadershp.
FARC in Colombia oldest and most important - controls large sections of territory and has great wealth siphoned from drug trade