Tennessee State University
Faculty Web Area FAQs

Home > Personal Homepage Disclaimer

This area is reserved for personal home pages of Tennessee State University students. The information and opinions in individual pages reflect their own thoughts and activities. They do not necessarily reflect official policies or positions of Tennessee State University.

Individual page providers assume all liability and responsibility for information on their personal pages. TSU claims no previous-to-publishing editorial control or review over the content.

Information on TSU's Faculty Web server may not be used in any matter prohibited by law or disallowed by licenses, contracts, copyrights, copyrighted material or college policies and regulations. If you encounter any violation of the above restrictions, please let us know by e-mailing webmaster@tnstate.edu, or contacting the office of Communication and Information Technologies, 3500 John A. Merritt Blvd., Nashville, TN, 37209; (615) 963-5000.

TSU reserves the right to remove any page from its server at any time without prior notice to the provider.

Tennessee State University
3500 John A. Merritt Blvd., Nashville, Tennessee 37209
Phone (615) 963-5000
© Copyright 2003, Tennessee State University, All Rights Reserved.
Tennessee State University is an AA/EOE Institution