Test and Study Guides

In this page you can view or download a syllabus, calendar, sample tests, and other helpful materials for Dr. Hull's physics classes and labs. These items are formatted as Acrobat files. If you don't have a viewer in your computer, you can download a free copy of the Adobe Acrobat Viewer here. If you have any problems, you can email me at phull@ comcast.net

Click on the underlined word for instructions on how to add vectors graphically or analytically. These instructions are useful in all the introductory physics courses and in General Physics I Lab. Happy Physics!

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PHYS2010 and 2011- College Physics I and Lab

PHYS2010 is the first semester of the College Physics sequence primarily for biology, premed and predental majors. It covers kinematics, dynamics, and thermodynamics The items on the left are sample tests given in past semesters. If you are not one of Dr. Hull's students you should check with your own instructor to see if using these items will benefit you. Homework problems are on WebAssign. To go to that site, click on the underlined word. Download sample tests and the instructions for keeping a lab notebook this semester if your teacher requires one.  A syllabus for the laboratory PHYS2011is also available to download on the laboratory experiments page.

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PHYS2020 and 2021- College Physics II and Lab

PHYS2020 is the second semester of the College Physics sequence primarily for biology, premed and predental majors. It covers electricity, magnetism, and modern physics. The items on the left are sample tests given in past semesters. if you are not one of Dr. Hull's students you should check with your own instructor to see if using these items will benefit you. Homework problems are on WebAssign. To go to that site, click on the underlined word. Download sample tests and the instructions for keeping a lab notebook this semester if you want to get a good grade.  A syllabus for the laboratory PHYS2021is also available to download on the laboratory experiments page.

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PHYS2110 and 2111- General Physics I and Lab

PHYS2110 is the first semester of the General Physics sequence primarily for engineering and physics majors. It covers kinematics, dynamics, waves, fluid dynamics,and thermodynamics. The items on the left are sample tests and materials for Fall 2005 General Physics I combined class and lab. This is a pilot course and if you are not one of Dr. Hull's students you should check with your own instructor to see if using these items will benefit you. All homework problems are on WebAssign. To go to that site, click on the underlined word. Download sample tests and the instructions for keeping a lab notebook this semester if your teacher requires one, and download a syllabus that includes a calendar of the laboratory experiments for PHYS2111.

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PHYS2120 and 2121- General Physics II and Lab

PHYS2120 is the second semester of the General Physics sequence primarily for engineering and physics majors. It covers electricity, magnetism,optics, and modern physics. The items on the left are sample tests and materials for Spring 2004 General Physics II combined class and lab. This is a pilot course and if you are not one of Dr. Hull's students you should check with your own instructor to see if using these items will benefit you. All homework problems are on WebAssign. To go to that site, click on the underlined word. Download sample tests and the instructions for keeping a lab notebook this semester if your teacher requires one.  A syllabus for the laboratory PHYS2121 is available on the laboratory experiments page.

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PHYS2230 - General Physics III

Phys2230 is the third semester of the General Physics sequence primarily for engineering and physics majors. It covers wave properties, including electromagnetic waves, optics, atomic physics, introductory quantum mechanics, and nuclear physics. All homework problems are on WebAssign. To go to that site, click on the underlined word. If you have a question any of the materials on this page or need some additional help, you can come by my office (or email me at the address above).



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PHY 314- Optics

The items on the left are for the Fall 2002 Optics class. Sample tests are just tests given in previous semesters and are not quaranteed to cover exactly the material as your class. Many of your homework problems are on WebAssign. To go to that site, click on the underlined word. If you have a question any of the materials on this page or need some additional help, you can come by my office (or email me at the address above). 


PHY 450 - Senior Project

The items on the left are for physics majors enrolled in the Senior Project for the Spring Semester 2003. The information will be updated during the semester as needed, but you must come by Dr. Hull's office on a regular basis in order to keep your project on track. 


PHY 460 - Undergraduate Reading & Research

The items on the left are for physics majors enrolled in this course for the Spring Semester 2004. The information will be updated during the semester as needed, but you must come by Dr. Hull's office on a regular basis in order to keep your project on track. If you are required to keep a laboratory notebook, download the instructions here.



Patricia G. Hull
Physics and Math Department
PMB 145A
Tel no. 963-5846