BIO 412 Principles of Ecology Phil Ganter 320 Harned Hall 963-5782 |
A field of both wind- and insect-pollinated plants |
Chapt. 2 Evolution
Fall, 2001
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Evolutionary Ecology
Relationship between ecology and evolution
What is evolution?
change in a population over time
What is adaptive evolution?
change in a population over time caused by natural selection. Adaptive evolution alters a population of organisms such that the changes allow the organisms to increase survivorship and/or reproductive success
Darwin/Wallace contended that adaptation happens because:
Variation is key to evolution - without it no change is possible and if it is not linked to fitness no adaptive evolution is possible
- ECOLOGY and EVOLUTION are linked by variation -- it is the ecological situation that determines the fitness of a variant
- If there were no heritable (genetic) variation among the members of a species, no change would be possible
- Variation in the ecological setting (in both physical factors and other organisms) means that the course of adaptive evolution is not always in the same direction
How does genetic variation arise?
How is genetic variation inherited?
What should we expect to happen when variation exists
Hardy-Weinberg expectations are predictions when variation is not altered by ecological processes
H-W Assumptions - notice that each assumption involves some ecological process not occurring
- No mutation,
- No migration,
- Random Mating,
- Large Populations,
- No Selection
What kinds of Variation are there?
Environmental (VE) + Genetic (VG) = Phenotypic (Vp)
Genes may have different effects when in different environments
- many genes are expressed differently when temperature differs
- expression of many genes depends on genetic environment - what alleles are present at other loci - dominance is a good example of this effect
- Therefore, we must added a term for gene-by-environment interactions (VG+E)
Phenotypic (Vp) = Environmental (VE) + Genetic (VG) + Interaction (VG+E)
How much exists and how do we measure it?
Partitioning of genetic variation can help us understand the ecology of the species
We can see above that there are two levels of heterozygosity one can measure in the example above:
- Total genetic variation
- average sub-population genetic variation
Sub-population genetic variation is only one component of total genetic variation (=GV)
- Total GV = Within Sub-population GV + Between Sub-population GV
- If most of Total Genetic Variation occurs within populations then each population varies almost as much as the overall species
- each population may be exchanging organisms with other populations, so variation is spread among them all
- If most of Total Genetic Variation occurs between populations then each population is internally homogeneous and the species is fragmented into distinct subpopulations, each of which may be adapting to local circumstances independently of one another
Predictable replacement of one (ALLELE, MORPH) over distance is a cline
Clines form in more than one way
- when the effect of environment changes gradually with distance, then genetic composition may also come to reflect the underlying environmental cline
- when two populations with distinct characteristics both occupy the area between their population centers, migration outward from each will result in a cline between those centers
What reduces the amount of variation in a population? Notice that each one of these is a violation of Hardy-Weinberg
Assortative mating (also called Non-Random Mating)
- if like mates with like (due to choice or to small population sized not allowing much choice) then intermediates and heterozygotes are lost)
- like mating with like is called Positive Assortative Mating
- has the same effect as positive assortative mating - loss of heterozygosity
- can lead to low levels of within-population variation, even if there is appreciable between-population variation
- can (not must, but can) lead to lower viability of inbred individuals or to lower fecundity
- heterosis - condition where the heterozygous individuals show greater fitness (viability, fecundity) than do individuals homozygous for either of the alleles
- more likely in small populations
- often there are physical or behavioral barriers to inbreeding
- Book documents instances where inbreeding has reduced fitness
Genetic Drift
- loss of heterozygosity due to chance events
- more likely in small populations than in large
- operates on a principle called Mueller's Ratchet :
- chance can cause allele frequencies (proportions of each allele) to fluctuate
- occasionally, these fluctuations will reach zero and an allele is lost from the population (this is more likely for alleles already at low frequency)
- once an allele is lost from a population, it is gone forever (this is not strictly true - migration and mutation can restore alleles to a population)
Neighborhoods can enhance the effect of drift
- if populations are subdivided into small neighborhoods, then drift will be more important for the entire population
- Population structure can also contribute to the loss of genetic variation if not all individuals actually breed
- this can make the breeding population smaller than the actual population and decreases population size
- can be due to senility of some individuals, or some may be juveniles, or there may be a social system which restricts breeding to one or a few individuals of each sex
- variation in sex ratio can also increase loss of variation
Effective Population Size
- a way to correct the total population size for the failure of some individuals to breed of for skewed sex ratios and to compare different populations by reducing the actual population size to a population number in which all individuals are breeding and the sex ratio is 1 to 1.
- Effective Population Size (= Ne)
- Suppose I count two populations, one with 100 individuals and the other with 125 individuals. It is determined that the effective population size of the first is 100 individuals, but there is a large excess of males over females in the second population and the effective population size is calculated to be only 85 in the second population. Because Ne (=85) is lower for the second population than the first (Ne = 100), the rate of loss of genetic variation is greater in the second population than in the first, even though there are more individuals!
- Formula for correcting population size when the number and sex of the breeding population are known:
- N m and N f are the number of breeding males and females
- Notice that when all individuals breed and the sex ratio is 1-to-1, then N e is the same as the population size
Population size fluctuations through time can also lead to a loss in heterozygosity
- Bottleneck - a low point in populations numbers
- Bottlenecks can reduce genetic variation in a generation through genetic drift, even though population numbers are generally high
- Formula for calculating N e over generations when the population size flucutates during that time
Founder Effect
- if new populations are formed by the migration of just a very few individuals, the population can be said to have gone through a bottleneck at its founding
- founder effect can mean that new populations are different from parent populations through chance alone
Click Here for more on effective pop. size and some problems
Natural Selection
outcome of fitness differences between self-replicating entities
Natural selection can favor a single form at a time
Natural selection can favor polymorphism (two or more alleles or phenotypes in a population)
Natural Selection can enhance, reduce, or enhance variability
Natural Selection is the consequence of variation in fitness, and if there is none (neutral alleles or phenotypes) it will not have an effect
Species are important because they represent largest natural grouping of individuals
Species concepts
- useful when sexual reproduction occurs
- species are clusters of individuals which may exchange genes in forming the next generation
- species are separated by reproductive barriers that isolate their gene pools
- Isolating Mechanisms
- Prezygotic
- Habitat - no cross mating because habitats differ
- Temporal - no cross mating because time of day or season of reproduction differs
- Ethological (= study of behavior) - no cross mating because the mating behaviors are incompatible
- Mechanical - no cross mating because there is a failure in the ability of sperm and egg to come into contact
- Physiological - chemical means of gamete recognition may fail, male gamete may not survive in female environment (common for pollen from wrong species) or egg and sperm may not chemically recognize one another
- Postzygotic
- Hybrid inviability or sterility -
- based on common ancestry (relatedness)
- probability of common ancestry measured by the number of shared derived characters between individuals
- shared means that the characters had the same origin but are found in both individuals
- derived means that their immediate ancestor had them but not the entire group so that these characters set these individuals off from other, similar individuals
- useful when sexual reproduction does not occur
- many bacteria
- many fungi
- some plants and animals
when phylogenetic concept is applied to sexual species, the two concepts are usually in good agreement
often difficult to define species in practice, no matter which concept is used
- bacteria show significant horizontal transfer of genes between species
- many plants and animals have sub-populations that look different and which can interbreed but, in fact, almost never do
- Hybridization
- phenomenon that occurs between sexually reproducing species
- occurs when members of two different gene pools interbreed
- common in some plants but found in all kingdoms
How do species originate
Allopatric speciation
- formation of species through the differences that arise when populations are physically isolated by distance or by a geographic barrier
- differences must be accompanied by formation of isolation mechanism so that the reproductive barrier is in place when new species come into contact
- foundation of isolated populations and the associated founder effect seen as most common mechanism for origin of species
Sympatric speciation
- new species arises within territory of older species
- controversial because reproductive isolation has to develop without geographical isolation
- Apple-maggot flies may be a case of sympatric speciation occurring
There has been an overall increase in species richness in the fossil record
Mass Extinctions
We can not distinguish the record from random events
Evidence for 500,000,000 to 1,000,000,000 species in all
Book proposes that some factors may affect probability of extinction
Causes of extinction
Categories of species threatened by extinction
Taxonomic distribution of threatened species
Geographic distribution
Habitat distribution
Kerr and Currie (1995) Model of loss of birds and mammals uses these factors to predict the proportion of endangered species (out of the total number of bird and mammal species present) within national boundaries:
Acquired character, Point and Frameshift Mutations, Chromosomal mutations, Deletions, Duplications, Inversions, Translocations, Phenotypic, Environmental, and Genetic variation Gene-by-environment interaction, Genetic (allelic, RFLP, RAPD, microsatellite, mtDNA) variation, Hardy-Weinberg, mutation, migration (gene flow), Heterozygosity, Total GV = Within Sub-population GV + Between Sub-population GV, cline, Hardy-Weinberg, Assortative mating (Non-Random Mating), Inbreeding, heterosis, heterozygosity, Mueller's Ratchet, neighborhoods, sex ratio, Effective Population Size, Bottleneck, Founder Effect, natural selection, Balanced Polymorphism, Cepaea, Disruptive (Diversifying), Stabilizing and Directional selection, Speciation, Biological an Phylogenetic Species concepts, Prezygotic and Postzygotic Isolating Mechanisms, (Habitat , Temporal, Ethological, Mechanical, Physiological, Hybrid inviability or sterility), common ancestry, shared derived characters, Hybridization, Allopatric speciation, geographic barrier, Sympatric speciation, Apple-maggot flies, Extinction, Mass Extinctions, Fossil record, KT boundary extinction, Permian extinction, Endangered, Vulnerable, Rare, Indeterminate species
Kerr, T. J. and Currie, D. J. 1995. The effects of human activity on global extinction risk. Conservation Biology 9:1528:1538.
Last updated August 24, 2001