Dachowski's Courses

Links to individual courses are at the bottom of the page.

Course Rotation  

Survey Courses

I usually offer either World History I or World History II every year or two.  Dr. Theron Corse usually offers one or two sections of World History each semester.  TSU students can count on having three sections of World History to choose from each semester (at least one of each half of the course).

Because of increased advisement duties, I no longer offer American History.  In the past I have offered both American History II and American History I.  The Department of History, Geography, and Political Science at T.S.U. usually offers a dozen or more sections of each course as a lecture course (at both campuses) during the school year as well as offering at least one section of each during the summer.  Students may also sign up for either course through the Board of Regents On-Line Degree program or as a Saturday video course at TSU.

Upper-level Courses

I try to offer these upper-level courses once every two years.

HIST 3840 (Ancient History):  Last taught Fall 2008.

HIST 3860 (Medieval Europe): Last taught Fall 2006.  

HIST 3880 (Renaissance and Reformation Europe):  I now offer this every semester (including summers) through the Regents on-line degree program.  Summer sections of this course use my materials but are taught by Dr. Corse. I am also teaching the course in-person at TSU in Spring 2011.  

HIST 4320 (Medieval Women's History):  Last taught Spring 2006.

HIST 4325 (Servitude and Freedom in the Pre-Modern West):  Last taught Spring 2013.

Courses under Development

Slavery and Freedom in the West before 1500.  I would like to offer this course as a prelude to T.S.U.'s extensive course offerings on the Transatlantic slave trade and slavery in the United States.  Clearly the race-based slavery of the period after 1500 was very different from earlier types of servitude.  On the other hand, ideas about slavery and freedom just as clearly went into developing this later form of slavery.  I would envision this course as covering slavery in the ancient world (including the code of Hammurabi and the controversy over the Egyptian labor force, as well as slavery in Classical Greece and Rome) and in medieval Europe.  Brief comparative units on slavery in the Islamic world and slavery in west Africa would complement the main focus on western European conceptions of slavery.

Family and Household in Pre-Industrial Europe.  This course would replace HIST 375 "Women and Children in the Middle Ages."  The current title for this course is belittling and also neglects the important role that men played in pre-modern households.  This would be a course that more accurately reflected my teaching interests than HIST 432 "Women's History" which implies a more modern emphasis than I chose to give it when it was last taught.  On the other hand, this title implies a wider time span than "medieval" so would allow consideration of households in late Antiquity and changes in households and kinship groups caused by the Reformation and other early modern phenomena.  It would also move away from gender as the main historical variable under consideration, towards families and households.  Although gender is an important historical variable, it cuts across so many aspects of pre-modern society that I do not feel that it works well as the main organizing principle in a history curriculum that does not put much emphasis on pre-modern societies.

World History I and II (on-line).  Because the Board of Regents have allocated all 1xxx and 2xxx courses to community colleges for on-line development, I cannot develop these through the TBR program.  On the other hand, I would be able to offer these through T.S.U.'s distance learning office if there were sufficient interest from students and administrators.  At the moment this is not a high priority for me, but a long-term goal.

Medieval Women's History
Early Modern History
Medieval History
Ancient History
World History I
World History II
Servitude and Freedom