Dafeng Hui, Ph.D.

of Biological Sciences
Tennessee State
3500 John A. Merritt Blvd.
Nashville, TN
(615) 963-5777, FAX: (615) 963-5747
(This webpage)
Ph.D. Botany (Ecology), University of Oklahoma.
M.S. Agronomy (Biostatistics and Genetics), Yangzhou University, China . 1994
2007.08 –
present Associate Professor (2013-), Assistant Professor
(2007-2013), Tennessee State
University, Nashville, TN
2007.01 –
2007.08 Post-doc Fellow, Auburn University,
Auburn, AL
2004.11 –
2006.12 Research Associate, Duke University,
Durham, NC
2002.08 –
2004.10 Post-Doc, Research Scientist /
Adjunct Assistant Professor, University
of Oklahoma ,
Norman , OK
1999.01 –
2002.08 Graduate Research Assistant, University of Oklahoma,
Norman, OK
1997.04 –
1998.12 Visiting
Scholar, Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV
Global change ecology, ecosystem ecology,
biogeochemical cycle, ecological modeling, eco-statistics (applications of
statistics in ecology).
2007- present
of Ecology,
State University
2012-present Special Topics:
Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Tennessee
State University
2002, 2003 Biostatistics and Computer Applications.
University of Oklahoma.
Analysis System (SAS) and it's application, Yangzhou University, China.
1995. Quantitative
Genetics, Yangzhou University,
1994-97. Computer
applications and Database Management (FoxBase), Yangzhou University, China.
1992-97. Experimental
Design and Biostatistics. Yangzhou
University, China.
Identification and modulation of functional protein association
networks for drought tolerance in switchgrass.
9/1/2012-8/31/2015, $499,995.
USDA CBG Program
(PI: S. Zhou, Co-PIs, J. de off, D. Hui,
G. Smith, F. Chen).
Experimental and modeling study of
switchgrass productivity and greenhouse gas emissions under
climate change and nitrogen application. 10/01/2012-9/30/2015.
Evans-Allen Program (PI: D. Hui).
Nitrogen and Water Use Efficiency to Reduce Greenhouse Gases Emission in Corn
Croplands. 10/1/2011-9/30/2014. $299,930. USDA CBG program (PI:
Sam O. Dennis,
Co-PIs: Dafeng Hui, and Chandra Reddy. Former PI: Junming
Dveloping and Evaluating
Sustainable Production of Eastern Gamagrass as Complementary Bioenergy Feedstock
to Switchgrass. 2010-2013. $424,820. USDA CBG Program (PI: E. Dzantor,
Co-PIs: D. Tyler, F. Tegegne, and D. Hui).
URM: Enhancing Minority
Undergraduate Student Research Experiences in Ecology and Environmental
Science. 2009-2014. $614,520. National Science Foundation (PI:
D. Hui).
MRI: Acquisition of a
Photosynthesis and Respiration System for Research and Education at Tennessee
State University. 2009-2012, $66,780, National Science Foundation (PI:
D. Hui; Co-PIs:
Emmanuel Dzantor, Elbert Myles).
Li-Cor Environmental Education Fund (LEEF) Grant. 2009. $40,000,
Faculty Research Award. 2008, $12,000. TSU (PI).
Data-Model Fusion at AmeriFlux
Sites: Towards Predictive Understanding of Seasonal and Interannual Variability
in Net Ecosystem Exchange. 2005-2008, $260,000, National Science Foundation
(Co-PI, with Dr. Y. Luo as PI).
Interannual Variability in Net
Ecosystem Exchange in Colorado
Partitioning into Causes between Climatic Variability and Functional Changes.
2003-2004, $106,000. DOE National Institute For Global Environmental Change (Co-PI.
PI: Y. Luo).
Hui, D, M.A. Mayes, G. Wang. 2013. Kinetic
parameters of phosphatase: a quantitative synthesis. Soil
Biology and Biochemistry 65: 105-113 (PDF).
Jiang, H., Q.
Deng, G. Zhou, D. Hui, D. Zhang, S. Liu, G. Chu, and J. Li.
2013. Responses of soil respiration and its
temperature/moisture sensitivity to precipitation in three subtropical
forests in southern China.
Biogeosciences 10: 3963-3982 (PDF).
Song, X., H. Tian, X. Xu,
Hui, D., G. Chen, G.
Somers, L. Marzen, M. Liu. 2013.
Projecting terrestrial carbon sequestration of the
southeastern United States in response to climate and atmospheric changes in
the 21st century.
Shen, W., H. Ren, G.D. Jenerette,
Hui, D., H. Ren. 2013.
Atmospheric deposition
and canopy exchange of anions and cations in two plantation forests under acid
rain influence. Atmospheric Environment. 64: 242-250 (PDF).
Hui, D., 2013.
Global climate change and biodiversity: issues and future research.
Journal of Biodiversity& Endangered Species 1:e105.doi:10.4172/jbes.1000e105
(Editorial) (PDF).
Hui, D., J. Wang, X. Le, W. Shen, and H. Ren. 2012. Influences
of biotic and abiotic factors on the relationship between tree productivity
and biomass in China. Forest Ecology and Management 264,
72-80 (PDF).
D., H. Tian, Y. Luo. 2012. Impacts of Climatic Changes on
Biogeochemical Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems. In Chen, W.-Y.;
Seiner, J.; Suzuki, T.; Lackner, M. (Eds.) Handbook of Climate Change
Mitigation, Springer (PDF).
Deng, Q., D. Hui*, D. Zhang, G. Zhou, J Liu,
S Liu,
G Chu,
and J. Li. 2012.
Effects of Precipitation Increase on Soil
Respiration: A Three-Year Field
Experiment in Subtropical Forests in
PLoS One 7:(7): e41493.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041493 (PDF).
Zhang, C., H. Tian, G. Chen, A. Chappelka, X. Xu, W. Ren, D. Hui, M.
Liu, C. Lu, S. Pan, G.B Lockaby. 2012. Impacts of Urbanization on Carbon
Balance in Terrestrial Ecosystems of the Southern United States.
Environmental Pollution 164, 89-101 (PDF).
Tian, H. G. Chen, C. Zhang, M. Liu, G. Sun, A. Chappelka, W. Ren, X. Xu, C.
Lu, S. Pan, H. Chen, D. Hui, S. McNulty, G. Lockaby, and E.
Vance. 2012. Century-Scale Responses of Ecosystem Carbon Storage and Flux to
Multiple Environmental Changes in the Southern United States.
Ecosystems 15: 674-694 (PDF)
Report , Comments).
Wilson, C., D. Hui*, F. Tegegne, E. Nwaneri, C. Davidson, and D. Duseja. 2012. Effects of
Climate and Agricultural Practices on Ecophysiology of Pigeonpea in the Southeastern United States.
Pure and Applied Biology 1(2):33-39 (PDF).
Wilson, C., D. Hui*, E. Nwaneri, J. Wang, Q. Deng, D. Duseja, and F.
Tegegne. 2012. Effects of Planting Dates, Densities, and Varieties on
Ecophysiology of Pigeonpea in the Southeastern United States.
Agricultural Sciences 3:147-152 (PDF).
Cheng X, Y Luo, B Su, S Wan, D Hui, Q
Zhang. 2011. Plant carbon substrate supply regulated soil nitrogen dynamics
in a tallgrass prairie in the Great Plains, USA: Results of a clipping and
shading experiment. Journal of Plant Ecology, 4, 228-235. doi: 10.1093/jpe/rtr024.(PDF)
H, X. Wang, Z. Feng, J. Pang, F. Lu,Z.
Ouyang, H. Zheng, W. Liu,D.
2011. Soil temperature and moisture sensitivities of soil CO2 efflux before
and after tillage in a wheat field of Loess Plateau, China. Journal of
Environmental Sciences 23:79-86 (PDF)
Le, X., D. Hui, E.K. Dzantor. 2011. Characterizing rhizodegradation
of the insecticide bifenthrin in two soil types. Journal of Environmental
Protection 2: 940-946 (PDF).
Hui, D., D. Zhang, R.J. Norby. 2011. Field litter decomposition rate
estimation: does incubation starting time matter? 2011 IEEE
International Conference on Multimedia Technology (ICMT), 1158-1560.
- Palmroth, S., G. Katul,
D. Hui, H.R. McCarthy, R. B. Jackson, R.
Oren. 2010. Estimation of long-term basin-scale evapotranspiration from
streamflow time series. Water Resources Research 46, W10512,
doi:10.1029/2009WR008838 (PDF).
Chandola, V, D. Hui, L Gu, B. Bhaduri, and R.R. Vatsavai. 2010. Using
Time Series Segmentation for Deriving Vegetation Phenology Indices from
MODIS NDVI Data. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
Workshops, 202-208. (PDF)
- Fay,
P.A., A.K. Kelley, A.C. Procter, D. Hui, V.L. Jin, R.B. Jackson,
H.B. Johnson, H.W. Polley. 2009. The Lysimeter CO2 Gradient Experiment: a
new facility for exposing grassland vegetation on multiple soils to a
continuous CO2 gradient.
Ecosystems 12: 699–714 (PDF).
- Cheng,
X., Y. Luo, B. Su, P.S.J. Verburg, D. Hui, D. Obrist, J.A. Arnone
III, D.W. Johnson, and R.D. Evans. 2009. Responses of net ecosystem CO2
exchange to nitrogen fertilization in experimentally manipulated grassland
ecosystems. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 149:
- Zhou,
T, P. Shi, D. Hui, and Y. Luo. 2009. Global pattern of temperature
sensitivity of soil heterotrophic respiration (Q10) and its implications
for carbon-climate feedback. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences,
114:G02016 (PDF).
- Shen,
W., J.F. Reynolds, D. Hui. 2009. Responses of
dryland soil respiration and soil carbon pool size to abrupt versus
gradual and individual versus combined changes in soil temperature,
precipitation, and atmospheric [CO2]: a simulation analysis.
Change Biology 15: 2274 - 2294. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01857.x. (PDF)
- Zhou,
T, P. Shi, D. Hui, and Y. Luo. 2009. Inverse modeling of spatial
pattern in temperature sensitivity (Q10) of soil respiration in
China. Science in China.
Hui, D., and R.B. Jackson. 2009. Assessing
interactive responses in litter decomposition in mixed species litter.
Plant and Soil 314, 263-271 (PDF, evaluated by
Faculty of 1000
- Shen,
W., G.D. Jenerette, D. Hui, R.P. Phillips, and H. Ren. 2008.
Effects of changing precipitation regimes on dryland soil respiration and
C pool dynamics at rainfall event, seasonal and interannual scales. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences,113,
G03024, doi:10.1029/2008JG000685 (PDF).
- Hui,
D., O. Biggs, R.J. Scholes, R. B. Jackson. 2008. Measuring the
variation of biodiversity loss: the case study of biodiversity intactness
variance. Biological Conservation 141, 1091-1094.
doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2008.02.001 (PDF).
- Zhang,
D., D. Hui, Y. Luo, and G. Zhou. 2008. Rates of litter
decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems: global patterns and controlling
factors. Journal of Plant Ecology 1: 85-93 (PDF).
- Xu,
X., H. Tian, D. Hui. 2008. Convergence in
the relationship of ecosystem CO2 and N2O exchanges
between soil and atmosphere within terrestrial ecosystems. Global
Change Biology 14: 1651-1660 (PDF).
- Hui,
D., Y. Luo, D. Schimel, J.S. Clark, A. Hastings, K. Ogle, M. Williams.
2008. Converting raw data into ecologically meaningful products. Eos,
Transactions, American Geophysical Union 89:5 (meeting report,
January 29, 2008).
- Luo Y.
and D. Hui, 2008. Gradual global environmental change in the real
world and step manipulative experiments in laboratory and field: the need
of inverse analysis. In: Miao SL, Carstenn S, Nungesser M (eds). Real
World Ecology: Large-scale and Long-term Case Studies and Methods.
Springer, New York.
Hui, D., R.B. Jackson. 2007.
Uncertainty in allometric exponent estimation: a case study in scaling
metabolic rate with body mass. Journal of Theoretical Biology
doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2007.07.003 (PDF).
Moffat AM, Papale D,
Reichstein M, Hollinger DY, Richardson AD, Barr AG, Beckstein C, Braswell
BH, Churkina G, Desai AR, Falge E, Gove JH, Heimann M, Hui D,
Jarvis AJ, Kattge J, Noormets A, Stauch VJ. 2007. Comprehensive comparison
of gap-filling techniques for eddy covariance net carbon fluxes. Agricultural
Forest Meteorology
Hui, D., 2007. The 'hundred surnames' of China run into
thousands. Nature 448, 533 (Correspondance) (PDF).
Luo, Y., D. Hui, D. Zhang.
2006. Carbon dioxide stimulates net ecosystem carbon
and nitrogen accumulations. Ecology 87, 53-63 (PDF).
Xu, T., L. White, D. Hui, Y. Luo. 2006.
Stochastic modeling of a
terrestrial ecosystem model: Analysis of uncertainty in parameter estimation
and prediction. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 20, GB2007,
doi:10.1029/2005GB002468 (PDF).
Hui, D., R.B. Jackson. 2005.
Geographic and interannual variability in biomass partitioning in grassland
ecosystems: a synthesis of field data. New Phytologist 169,
85-93 (PDF).
Wan, S., D. Hui,
L. Wallace, and Y. Luo. 2005. Direct and indirect warming effects on ecosystem
carbon processes in a tallgrass prairie. Global Biogeochemical
Cycles 19, GB2014,doi:10.1029/2004GB002315 (PDF).
Hui, D. and Y. Luo. 2004.
Evaluation of soil CO2 production and transport in
using a process-based modeling approach. Global Biogeochemical
Cycles, 18, GB4029, doi:10.1029/2004GB002297 (PDF).
Hanson, PJ, J.S. Amthor,
S Wullschleger, K. Wilson, R. Grant, A. Hartley, D. Hui, R. Hunt
Jr., D.W. Johnson, J. Kimball, A. King, Y. Luo, S. McNulty, G. Sun, P.E.
Thornton, S. Wang, M. Williams, R.M. Cushmann. 2004. Carbon and Water
Cycle Simulations for an Upland Oak Forest Using 13 Stand-level Models:
Intermodel comparisons and evaluations against independent measurements.
Monographs 74(3): 443-489 (PDF).
Luo Y., White L, Hui
D.. 2004. Comment on "Impacts of fine root turnover on forest NPP
and soil C sequestration potential". Science 304
(5678): JUN 18. PDF
Hui D., Wan SQ, Su B, Katul G,
Monson R, Luo YQ.2004. Gap-filling missing data in eddy covariance
measurements using multiple imputation (MI) for annual estimations, Agricultural
and Forest Meteorology 121 (1-2): 93-111.
Hui, D., Y. Luo, and G. Katul.
2003. Partitioning interannual variability in net ecosystem exchange into
climatic variability and functional change. Tree Physiology,
23:433-442. PDF
Liu, X, S. Wan, B. Su, D. Hui, Y. Luo. 2002.
Response of soil CO2
efflux to water manipulation in a tallgrass prairie ecosystem. Plant
and Soil. 240: 213-223. PDF
Miao, S., Y. Luo, Y. Liu, D. Hui. 2002.
Structure and Functional
Response of Plants to Global Climate Change. Pp. 121-143. In Wu, J. and X.
Han (eds). Lectures in Modern Ecology: From Basic Science to
Environmental Issues. Science Press,
China. (In Chinese with
English abstract)
Hui, D., D.A. Sims, D.W.
Johnson, W. Cheng and Y. Luo. 2002. Effects of gradual versus step carbon
dioxide increase on Plantago growth at two nitrogen levels. Environmental
and Experimental Botany, 47:51-66.
Luo, Y., S. Wan, D.
Hui, L. Wallace. 2001. Acclimatization of soil respiration to warming
in a tall grass prairie. Nature 413: 622-625.
Wan, S, D. Hui,
and Y. Luo. 2001. Fire Effects on ecosystem nitrogen pools and dynamics: A
meta-analysis. Ecological Applications 11: 1349-1365. PDF
Hui, D., Y. Luo, D.W. Johnson,
W. Cheng, J.S. Coleman and D.A. Sims. 2001. Canopy radiation and water use
efficiency as affected by elevated CO2. Global Change Biology
7, 75-91. PDF
Luo, Y., B. Medlyn, D.
Hui, D. Ellsworth, J.F. Reynolds, and G. Katul. 2001. Gross primary
productivity in the
Forest: Modeling synthesis of the
free-air CO2 enrichment experiment and eddy-covariance measurements. Ecological
Applications 11,239-252. PDF
Luo, Y., D. Hui,
W. Cheng, J.S. Coleman, D.W. Johnson, and D.A. Sims. 2000. Canopy quantum
yield in a mesocosm study. Agricultural and
Meteorology 100, 35-48. PDF
Gu, S. D. Hui, A.
Bian,1998, The contraction-expansion algorithm and its use in fitting
nonlinear equations, Journal of Biomathmatics 13(4): 426-434.
Gu, S., D. Hui,
H. Mo, 1998, The Optimal Fitting of the Nonlinear Equation with Contraction-Expansion
Algorithm, Acta Agronomica Sinica, 24(5): 513-519.
Hui, D., C. Jiang, H. Mo, 1997,
Comparison among Mapping Methods for Detecting QTLs and Estimating Their
Effects, Acta Agronomica Sinica. 23, 129-136
Gu, S., D. Hui, Q.
Zhu, 1996, Genetic Analysis of Grain Plumpness of Hybrids between indica
and japonica Rice, Chinese J. Rice Science, 10(3): 129-137.
Hui, D., Z. Zhang, J. Kuai, S.
Gu, and Y. Yao. 1996. Textbook, Computer Application Training Textbook,
Agricultural College,
Jiang, C., D. Hui,
1995, Joint Mapping of Genes for Correlated Quantitative Traits, J. of
Jiangsu Agricultural College, 16(1):1-7.
Jiang, C., C. Xu, D.
Hui, Y. Shao, 1995, Analysis of Effects of Major Genes on Quantitative
Traits between Families, Acta Agronomica Sinica, 21(5):632-636.
Zhu, Q., Z. Wang, Z.
Zhang, D. Hui, 1995, Study on indicators of grain-filling of rice.
Jiangsu Agricultural
College, 16(2): 1-4.
Zhang, Z., Q. Zhu, X.
Cao, Z. Wang, D. Hui, 1995, Grain filling and combining abilities
of Japonica/Indica hybrids. J. of
Jiangsu Agricultural College 16(2):
Hui, D., C. Xu, J. Kuai, etc.,
1995, Biostatistics Test Paper Produce and Score Analysis System on
Microcomputer, 1995, College Education Research, (1):11-14.
Kuai, J., H. Mo, D.
Hui, 1994, The Relationship between Flowering Time of Rice and Weather
Factors, Chinese J. Rice Science, 8(2):79-84.
Hui, D., 1992, Computer
Agricultural Experimental Data Analysis System, J. of
Jiangsu Agricultural College,
0. Hui, D., C. Jiang,
1996, Practical SAS Usage, Beijing
University of Aeronautics &
Astronautics Press, Beijing,
China (cited).
- Hui, D.,
W. Shen.
Equifinality and uncertainty in modeling soil respiration. In AGU meeting held in San Francisco, CA, 14-18,
December 2009. Abstracts
of Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 90, 2009.
Hui, D.,
D. Zhang, Y. Luo,
R.B. Jackson, R. Norby. Litter decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems: from
estimation methods to environmental controls. In AGU meeting held in San Francisco, CA,
11-14 Dec. 2008. Abstracts
of Eos, Transactions, American Geographical Union Vol. 89, 2008.
Hui, D., PS Verburg, JA Arnone III, Y. Luo. Dynamics and Partitioning of
Whole Ecosystem Respiration in a Controlled Grassland Ecosystem. In annual
ESA meeting held in Milwaukee, WI, 3-8 August 2008. Abstracts of the
Ecological Society of America.
- Hui,
D. Inverse
modeling of parameters in a process-based model Biome-BGC at Duke Pine
Forest. In AGU meeting
held in San Francisco, CA, 11-14 December 2007.Abstracts of Eos,
Transactions, American Geophysical Union,
Vol. 88, 2007.
- Hui, D., P. Fay, A. Procter,
H.B. Johnson, H.W. Polley, and R.B. Jackson. Response of Soil Respiration
to a CO2 Gradient from Subambient to Elevated Concentrations in
Grassland Ecosystems. In AGU
meeting held in San Francisco, CA, 11-15 December 2006 (oral
- Hui, D. Responses
of grassland and forest ecosystems to global change: Integrated
experimental and modeling approaches. Invited Seminar. University of Texas, Austin. 2006.
- Hui, D. Responses of grassland
and forest ecosystems to global change: Integrating experimental data into
models. Invited Seminar. Virginia
Tech University,
- Hui, D. Terrestrial ecosystems
carbon cycling and global change. Invited Seminar. Texas Tech
University, 2006.
- Hui, D., Y. Luo, R.B. Jackson. Uncertainty in power law
analysis: influence of sample size, measurement error, and analysis
method. In AGU meeting held in San
Francisco, CA,
5-9 December 2005. Abstracts of Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 86, No. 48, 2005.
- Hui, D., R.B. Jackson. Spatial and temporal variability in biomass allocation
in grassland ecosystems: a synthesis of field data. In annual ESA meeting
held in Montreal,
Canada, Oregon, 6-12 August 2005. Abstracts of
the Ecological Society of America (oral presentation).
- Hui, D., Yiqi Luo, Shiqiang Wan,
Tao Xu, Scott R. Saleska, Xuhui Zhou, Rebecca A. Sherry, Bo Su, and Linda
L. Wallace. Evidence of decreased soil moisture sensitivity of soil
respiration under warming in a tallgrass prairie. In AGU meeting held in San Francisco, CA,
12-17 December 2004. Abstracts of Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical
Union, Vol. 85, No. 47, 2004 (oral presentation).
- Hui, D., Y. Luo, et al. Controls of seasonal and interannual variability in net
ecosystem carbon exchange. In annual ESA meeting held in Portland, Oregon,
1-6 August 2004. Abstracts of the Ecological Society of America (oral
- Hui, D. Statistical and modeling
studies of ecosystem carbon processes in terrestrial ecosystems. Invited
Seminar. Rutgers
University, Newark. 2004.
- Hui, D., Y. Luo, T. Xu, S.
Wofsy, D. Baldocchi, HP Schmid, G Katul, R Monson, A. Goldstein, P Curtis,
D Hollinger. Contribution of Climatic variables to Seasonal and
Interannual Variability in Net Ecosystem Exchange at Eight AmeriFlux
Forest Sites. In AGU meeting
held in San Francisco,
CA, 5-12 December 2003. Abstracts of Eos,
Transactions, American Geophysical Union,
Vol. 84, No. 46, 2003.
- Hui, D., T. Xu, Y. Luo, S.
Wofsy. Quantitative assessment of climate effects on seasonal and
interannual variabilities in net ecosystem exchange. In annual ESA meeting
held in Savannah,
Georgia, 3-8 August
2003. Abstracts of the Ecological Society of America, 160.
- Hui, D., Y. Luo, G. Katul. Partitioning Interannual Variability in Net Ecosystem
Exchange into Climatic Variability and Functional Change. In Chequamegon
Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study (ChEAS) 2003 Meeting held in Woodruff, WI, June
29-July 2 2003
(oral presentation).
- Hui, D., S. Wan, B. Su, L. Wallace, Y. Luo. Does warming influence
temperature sensitivity of soil respiration? Comparison of computation
methods and experimental durations. In GCTE Workshop: Terrestrial
Ecosystem Responses to Atmospheric and Climatic Change (TERACC) held in Lake Tahoe, CA,
27-30 April 2003.
- Hui, D., Y. Luo, G. Katul. Partitioning Interannual Variability in Net Ecosystem
Exchange into Two Causes -- Climatic Variability and Functional Change:
Method Development with Dataset from Duke Forest
.In AGU meeting held in San Francisco, CA,
15-19 December 2002. Abstracts of Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 83, No. 47, 2002.
- Luo, Y., D. Hui.
Modeling/statistical Approaches to Interpret and Predict NEE in Forest
Ecosystems. In NIGEC SouthCentral Regional Center Principal Investigator
Workshop 2003 held in New Orleans,
LA, 3-4 April 2003 (invited oral
presentation, presented by D Hui).
- Hui, D., Y. Luo, Evaluation of
CO2 production and transport in the soil: Case study in Duke Forest.
In annual ESA meeting held in Tucson,
Arizona, 6-11 August 2002. Abstracts of
the Ecological Society of America (oral presentation).
- Hui, D., Y. Luo, G. Katul, D.
Ellsworth, R. Monson, K. Wilson, S. Wofsy. Comparative study of canopy
quantum yields among four AmeriFlux sites with different species and
environmental conditions. In annual ESA meeting held in Madison, Wisconsin,
5-10 August 2001. Abstracts of the Ecological Society of America.
- Hui, D., Y. Luo, G. Katul. A search for a simple predictive model of gross primary
productivity from eddy-covariance data. In annual ESA meeting held in
Snowbird, Utah,
6-10 August 2000. Abstracts of the Ecological Society of America.
- Hui, D., Y. Luo, G. Katul. A search for a simple predictive model of gross primary
productivity from eddy-covariance data. In AGU meeting held in San Francisco, CA,
15-19 December 2000. Abstracts of Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, Vol. 81, No. 48, Nov 28, 2000.
- Hui, D., D.A. Sims, D.W.
Johnson, W. Cheng, J.S. Coleman and Y. Luo. Canopy water and light use
efficiency at elevated CO2: A mesocosm study. In annual ESA
meeting held in Spokane,
WA, 8-12 August 1999. Abstracts of the
Ecological Society of America.
- Hui, D., Y. Luo, W. Cheng, J.S.
Coleman, D.W. Johnson, and D.A. Sims. Quantum yield, canopy development,
and carbon fluxes in a mesocosm study. In annual ESA meeting held in Baltimore, Maryland
2-6 August 1998. Abstracts of the Ecological Society of America.
- Hui, D., Y. Luo, J.T. Ball, W.
Cheng, J.S. Coleman, D.W. Johnson, D. Schorran, D.A. Sims, and L.
Sotoodeh. ECOCELL study III:
Interactive effects of canopy development and elevated CO2 on ecosystem
carbon fluxes. In 3rd International IGBP-GCTE
Workshop: Critical Assessment of the Response of Forest Ecosystems to
Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, Duke University, North Carolina,
10-13 October 1997.
manuscripts for Agronomy Journal, Annals of Botany, Biogeochemistry,
Biogeosciences, Biology Letters, Chinese Science
Bulletin, Controlled Clinical Trials, Ecohydrology, Ecology, Ecological Applications,
Ecological Modelling, Ecology Letters, Ecosystems, Environmental and Experimental Botany, Environmental
Pollution, Environmental Science and Technology, Forest Ecology and
Management, Functional Ecology, Geoderma, Geographical Research Letters, Global
Change Biology, International Journal of GIS, Journal of Biogeography, Journal of Environmental Quality,
Journal of Environmental Sciences, Journal of Geophysical Research, Journal of Vegetation
Science, New Phytologist, Pedosphere, Plant Ecology, PLoS One, Soil Biology and
Biochemistry, Tree Physiology, Water Resources
Research etc. and EPA and USDA.
proposals for Department of Energy (DOE), National
Science Foundation (NSF), Georgian National Science Foundation, and
US-Israel Bi-national Science Foundation, NSF of China.
Editorial Review Board: Tree Physiology
Editorial Board: ISRN: Soil Science (2011- );
Pure and Applied
Biology (2012-); PLoS One Academic Editor(2013-).
Proposal review panel: NSF (2010, 2011, 2012).
2013. Outstanding Researcher Award, College of AHN, Tennessee State University
2012, 2010. DOE
ORNL/ORAU HBCU/MEI Faculty Summer Research Program
2008. DOE Higher
Education Research Experiences at the Oak Ridge National
Laboratory for Distinguished Scientists and
Member of Ecological
Society of America (1999-present), American Geophysical Union (2000-present), Sigma Xi (2003-2009),
and ASA (2012).