Writing Assignment #1
English 2120 Survey of American Literature
Spring 2008
Dr. Luke A. Powers
You are a speech-writer for a major American political candidate who has been asked to deliver a speech on the anniversary of famous Booker T. Washington’s “Atlanta Exposition Speech.” Your audience will fill 5000 seat arena and include a diverse group of Americans and foreign guests. The speech will also be telecast live in prime-time throughout the U.S.
Your job is:
1) Summarize the original speech (theme, history, etc.);
2) Analyze (explain) any images, figures of speech or themes in the original speech;
3) Synthesize the speech’s influence on American history and thought, and its relevance to current political and social circumstances (most important section?); -- you don’t have to agree with what he said;
4) Evaluate Washington’s philosophy of education and race-relations, both in his day and in the world today.
Your speech needs to be approximately 800-1000 words in length. Please type and double-space; include a title. Be fresh, insightful, colorful, imaginative, rhetorically vivid. COMMUNICATE your ideas in clear, vivid language. You don’t have to limit yourself to race as a theme (you may choose to incorporate other themes/ideas).
Helpful Ideas:
1) imagine a particular speaker for whom you are writing (write for their voice).
2) Think in terms of images, and pithy statements (memorable statements). Copy or update some of the language of Washington.
3) Limit and focus on a few themes or ideas (e.g., definition of “success”). Two are three ideas (major, or talking, points at most)
4) Informative speech to the degree that is recalls Washington’s landmark address, but also persuasive in that it takes themes/ideas from BTW and makes them relevant for today.
The speech will be due on Monday, Feb. 25, 2008.