PISI 365-01 (Springl998)
Meetings: Tue & Thur 10.50 am -12.05 pm (Room 218 GRD)
Lecturer: Daniel K. Gibran, Ph.D. Office: GRD 220
Office No.: 963-5650 Office Hours:M-F 1.00-3.30 pm
General Description and Scope of Course
This is an upper division course in Political Science that is open to all majors of the University. Students majoring in Political Science and Business, however, will find this course to be extremely useflil and academically rigorous. It will focus on the historical and conceptual foundations of the modern discipline. Further, emphasis will be placed on the development and workings of the international political system, the actors in international affairs, the nature of conflict, and contemporary global issues. Additionally, students will be introduced to epistemological concerns and to the paradigmatic framework for understanding international relations.
Topical Outline and Suggested Readings
2. History of and paradigmatic approach to understanding IR
Open Lecture; Readings: Required Text, Chapters Two and Three.
3. Examination of essentially contested concepts (state, nation, power, policy,
actors, sovereignty, etc.)
Open Lecture
4. The Development of the Nation-State System
Open Lecture; Readings: Required Text, Chapter Four, and Baylis and Smith, Chapter
Two pp. 33-48.
5. Realist Approaches and Issues in International Relations
6. Globalist Approaches and Issues in International Relations
7. Structuralist Approaches and Issues in International Relations
8. Contemporary Issues in International Relations
9. The Future of International Relations
Students' grades will be determined by the Lecturer's assessment of wriffen work, mid-term and final examinations. The following weights have been assigned to these three parameters:
1. One Extended Essay of 2,000 to 2,500 words due 31 Mar/98......30%
2. A wriffen mid-term examination of three questions ........................30%
3. An extensive wriffen final examination ...........................................40%
All students are expected to attend classes on a regular basis (please refer to TSUs Undergraduate Catalog, 1995-97, p.31).
Required readings from Text and other sources are compulsory. Students will be required to provide a two-page summary of four extra-textual assignments. These will be graded and used in the overall assessment of final grade determination.
Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. The relevant sections in the Student Handbook apply.