PISI 310-01
Meeting: TR 1:40 - 2:55 p.m. Room 219
Instructor: Daniel K. Gibran, Ph.D. Office: GRD 220 Office Ph.: 963-5650 Office Hrs.: M-F 2-4 pm
General Description and Scope of Course:
This is a compulsory, upper division level course in Political Science for majors of the discipline. However, it is open to other students of senior standing who wish to take a course in methodology. The course is taught from both a philosophical and statistical perspective. The first part will concentrate on epistemological questions and foundations of research, while the second will explore the world of statistics that include data collection and analysis.
Chava Frankfort-Nachmias and David Nachmias, Research Methods in the Social Sciences (5"' Edition), New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996.
Topical Outline and Readings:
Part One
1 . "How do we know what we know" (open lecture)
2. The nature of science (a series of open lectures)
Readings: John Watkins, "Against Normal Science," in Lakatos and
Musgrave (ed.) Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge, 1982.
3. Conceptual Foundations of Research
Readings: Nachmias, pp. 25-48
4. Elements of Research
- research problems
- variables
- relations
- hypotheses
Readings: Nachmias, pp. 52-66
5. Qualitative Research
Lecture; Readings: Nachmias pp. 279-299
6. Mid-Term Examination
Part Two
7.The role and purpose of statistics in research
8.Measures of Central Tendency
Take home assignments to accompany lecture
9.Standard Deviation
Take home assignments to accompany lecture
10.Chi Square
Take home assignments
11.Correlation - Pearson Product Moment
Take home assignments
12.Exercises introducing computer packages.
Writing Research Reports
Reading: Nachmias pp. 553-63
Students' grades will be determined by the Instructor's assessment of a mid-term test, one written assignment, and a statistical final examination. The following weights have been to these three elements:
- Mid-tern test......................................................30 points
- Written assignment.............................................20 points
- Final statistical examination.................................50 points
Class attendance is compulsory for this course (refer to TSUs
Undergraduate Catalog, 1995-97, p. 3 1).
Plagiarism is not allowed. The relevant sections in the Student Handbook apply.