Afro-Cuban Religion and Culture
Updated 01-15-01
Articles, Journal, Books
- Resources, Links, Overviews - Museums,
Exhibits - Cyber altars, Congregations, Practitioners
Organizations, Institutes
- Legal Issues - Music, Dance -
Africa, African Diaspora - Afro-Haitian
Religion - Afro-Brazilian Religion
Articles, Journals, Books
- - Articles and resources on Palo
and Lukumi.
- Latino
Literature Home Page - page on Santeria currently under construction.
- "Factores culturales y la diversidad Biologica Cubana." - Article from The Latin American Alliance that contains a section on Santeria and the
- Santeria
Books - Reviews of books on Santeria.
- Lily Díaz.
"A Structuralist Analysis of Puerto Rican Santería."
- ABC Santeria Has a Hold on Cuba
- Revista Ashe -Una revista especializada
en Santería.
- Bibliography
of African Traditional Religion - Award winning and extensive.
- Keys to Feminine Empowerment
- A discussion of Yoruban religion and Feminism.
- "Adivinacion" - by Javier Normand, La Revista
- Santeria:
Cuba's mysterious Third Force - Hypertext article with RealAudio files and
other resources.
Solimar Otero: Ikú and Cuban Nationhood: Yoruba Mythology in
the Film Guantanamera
Deborah Wyrick: Divine
Transpositions: Recent Scholarship on Vodou and Santería Religious Art
Articles, Journal, Books
- Resources, Links, Overviews - Museums,
Exhibits - Cyber altars, Congregations, Practitioners
Organizations, Institutes
- Legal Issues - Music, Dance -
Africa, African Diaspora - Afro-Haitian
Religion - Afro-Brazilian Religion
Resources, Links, and Overviews
- Santeria, A
Practical Guide to Afro-Caribbean Magic - A guide to ceremonies, orishas,
spells, and more.
- Caribbean
Religions - An expanding site devoted primarily to Voodoo and Santeria.
Includes the Dictionary
of Afro-Caribbean Deities.
- Santeria,
A Practical Guide to Afro-Caribbean Magic - Extensive introduction
to Santeria.
- Santeria - A large
list of links and other materials on Afro-Caribbean religion.
- Culto Sincretico
- Links, articles, and images related to Afro-Caribbean religion and culture
from a Rice graduate student.
Links: Santeria - a more academically inclined introduction to Santeria.
- Santeria links
- extensive list from alt.religion.orisha
- An Overview of Santeria
from the author of SANTERIA, A Practical Guide to Afro-Caribbean Magic.
- Santeria and
Macumba - Introduction to Santeria from the Ontario Consultants on Religious
- Santeria: An outsider's
look in - By Riqui Gardner. An introduction to Santeria.
- Gateway to the Usenet group alt.religion.orisha
- Santeria - Short
introduction to Santeria. Contains an extensive reading list and other
- Ocha: La Santeria Cubana -
Introduction to Santeria (in Italian).
- Yahoo!: Afro-Caribbean Religions - Includes the headings Santeria, Ifa, Voodoo, and Rastafarianism.
Articles, Journal, Books
- Resources, Links, Overviews - Museums,
Exhibits - Cyber altars, Congregations, Practitioners
Organizations, Institutes
- Legal Issues - Music, Dance -
Africa, African Diaspora - Afro-Haitian
Religion - Afro-Brazilian Religion
Museums and Exhibits
- Ethnographic Museum
- Cuban museum featuring Santeria.
- Cutting
to the Essence, Shaping for the Fire - An extensive on-line catalog
of an exhibit first presented at the Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences
in Peoria, Illinois in 1994.
Cyber altars, Practitioners, Congregations
- Obatala -
a cyber alter for Obatala.
- The House
of Life - An ecumenical meeting house for a number of Afro-Latin religions.
- Ijo Orunmila - Spreading Ifa
to All of Olodumare's Children. Presented by Fashina Falade, Chief Olubikin
of Ile-Ife.
- Egba Lukumi
- an organization meant to foster brotherhood among the Lukumi community
and promote awareness of its culture, values, principles and traditions.
- Ifa Foundation of North America - Seeking to spread a rational worldview, for the practice of Orisa worship in the Western world.
Numerous articles and other resources.
- Church of the Lukumi
Babalu Aye
- The Organization for
Lukumi Unity - Meeting place, chat room, discussion list for practitioners.
Organizations and Institutes
- Eleggua Project
- A cooperative partnership of North American and Cuban non-governmental
agencies who share an interest in developing opportunities for academic
study in Cuba
- OrishaNet
- Perhaps the largest Santeria presence on the Web.
- Organization for
Lukumí Unity - Discussion board devoted to the Lukumi Unity project and
Ifa/Orisha religious practice.
- The Franklin H. Williams Caribbean
Cultural Center/African Diaspora Institute - An arts and cultural organization
that celebrates, documents and shares the cultural heritage and spiritual
and creative expressions of people from African descent throughout the
Articles, Journal, Books
- Resources, Links, Overviews - Museums,
Exhibits - Cyber altars, Congregations, Practitioners
Organizations, Institutes
- Legal Issues - Music, Dance -
Africa, African Diaspora - Afro-Haitian
Religion - Afro-Brazilian Religion
Legal Issues
- Supreme Court
decision - Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye v. Hialeah.
- Supreme
Court decision - Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye v. Hialeah. A distinct
- Santeria and Animal
Sacrifice - from the Rutgers Animal Rights Law Center.
Music and Dance
Articles, Journal, Books
- Resources, Links, Overviews - Museums,
Exhibits - Cyber altars, Congregations, Practitioners
Organizations, Institutes
- Legal Issues - Music, Dance -
Africa, African Diaspora - Afro-Haitian
Religion - Afro-Brazilian Religion
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Last Updated: 01/15/01. And very much a work in progress.
Page Contact: Theron Corse
since September 6, 1998.
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