Membership and Payment

You can mail your membership form, or submit electronically.

Paper form, for regular mail (or scan and email)

The GoogleDocs form is currently borked. We're working on it.

Graduate students need to verify their status. Scroll to the bottom of the page.

To make a one time payment, use this Paypal Button

Pay Now


To Suscribe on a yearly basis, use this Paypal Button

To make a one-time donatation to LACS-SHA, use this Paypal Button


You can also pay by mail. Checks should be made out to the Latin American and Caribbean Section of the Southern Historical Association and sent to:

Erica Johnson Edwards
Francis Marion University
Department of History
PO Box 100547
Florence, SC 29502

Graduate Student Verification: All graduate student members will need to confirm their graduate student status to receive the reduced ($15) annual membership fee. You can accomplish this in one of two ways: