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Final Exam and Study Guide
EXAM STRUCTURE: This exam is comprehensive, and has a single essay.
Please read the essay question and ALL of the instructions that follow it.
This essay should reflect both the lectures and the textbook. You may also make
use of what you learned from your current events project. The essay should be of
a sufficient length to give a full response. In other words, don't turn in
a couple of hastily slapped-together pages and expect a good grade.
Essay Question:
- Identify three factors in Mexican history you believe have been critical in
its development. Show why they are important, explaining the impact they have
had on Mexican development. AT LEAST ONE of these factors must be from the
period after the age of Cardenas (See the note entitled "Non-Comprehensive Portion" below). Note: "Factors" can be
almost anything - people, economic issues, racial groups, wars, political
movements, religious themes, etc. You may use sources other than the lectures
and textbook if you choose, but please cite your sources (including the
textbook - I don't have it memorized.) By citation, I mean reference to page
numbers and all information I would need to be able to find the material you
used - no plagiarism will be tolerated.
NON-COMPREHENSIVE SECTION: One of your three factors must be from the
period after Cardenas, the period we have discussed since the last exam. Please
note that for this portion of the exam, I am willing to accept discussion of
recent events that you think may be critical for the future development
of Mexico, but which, because they are so recent, have only had a small impact
so far. You will still have to explain why you think they will be important.
Below you will find a list of chapters and lectures that cover this period.
- BOOK CHAPTERS: The non-comprehensive portion of the exam is
covered in section 10, chapters 40-45..
- LECTURE NOTES: The lectures for the non-comprehensive portion of
the test include:
This is exam is due at my office by 4:00 pm, Tuesday, December 18th.
Please present this paper earlier if at all possible.
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