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Death of the Aztec Empire, Birth of New Spain
I. Defeat of Aztecs - Four key factors
A. Series of poor harvests weakened empire, society
B. Arrival of disease (small pox) ravaged population, military, killed
C. Cortes able to gather allies from Aztec enemies
Lack of a common identity among "Indians"
Tlaxcala, ancient enemy of Tenochtitlan, the key ally
D. Breakdown of Aztec political unity, authority
1. To speak is to govern in Aztec world
2. Motechuzoma unable to communicate effectively
3. His silence an admission of defeat
4. Killed by his own people
5. Death of Motechuzmoa shatters legitimacy of old political system
II. La Malinche and the Beginnings of Mexican Identity
A. Who is La Malinche?
1. Translator/guide/Political go-between for Cortes
2. Her origins are unclear
a. Given to Cortes as a slave by a Tabascan leader
b. given name may have be Malinalli
c. Probably upper class
d. may have been the first born daughter of a chief
e. may have been a prisoner of war
f. perhaps sold into slavery to protect family inheritance
g. shuffled around -- Normal in pre-spanish Mexican culture to trade women
B. View of the Conquistadors
1. Bore Cortes children
a. barely mentions her in letters to King
b. later marries her off to another Spaniard
c. Mexican literature emphasizes a romantic relationship, but Cortes' actions
betray a strategic mindset
2. Bernal Diaz had high opinion of her
a. places her prominently in his account of conquest
b. This is very unusual for Spanish literature of that age
3. Role as translator, guide, go-between, extraordinary for a woman in
both Aztec and Spanish culture
C. Spanish Colonial literature portrayed her as virtuous
1. American working for a new culture
2. Ready convert to Christianity
D. Image changes with independence
1. 19th-century Mexico saw her as serpent of Eden
2. Rejected her as a symbol of Spain
3. Stood as Mexican Eve to the Virgin of Guadelupe
a. Malinche is all that is evil for women - selfish, proud, rejecting,
tainted, prostitute
b. Virgin is all that is good - purity, nurturing, giving, humble, pious
4. La Malinche become a symbol of selling out to foreigners - malinchista
5. Becomes La Chingada
a. a symbol of rape of Mexican women by Spaniards
b. loss of children from Amerindian culture
6. Are her actions a sign of subordination learned in slavery, betrayal,
or something else?
a. She was a transferred slave
b. Not considered wrong in Aztec society for men, married or not, to have
sex with slaves -- indeed, seen as normal
c. Yet came to be regarded as a sexual transgressor against female norm
by many Mexicans
E. Modern views
1. Conflicting - regarded as a traitor and founder of Mexican culture
2. Octavio Paz (1950) re-imagines her as a violated mother
3. Modern Mexican feminists emphasize her role as mother of mestizos
4. Mestizos increasingly reject negative portrayals, as any shame reflects
on them
5. Symbol of mestizo, mestizaje
6. First Latin American woman -- perhaps first Latin American
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