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HIST 452 - Spring 2003
Final Exam
Due date: This is a take home exam. You must turn this in to my office by
4:00 p.m., Friday, May 9, 2003. If I am not there, please
put your test under my door or give them to the secretary in the
department office. You may also e-mail your exam to me, at
Topic Areas: This exam covers the material from the
following lectures:
Readings: The
exam will also cover the following readings:
Structure of the Exam:
This is an essay exam. You will have to do two essays from the following list.
In doing an essay, there are certain things you should remember. A
good essay will first of all answer the question. Make sure you do address all
parts of the question. A good essay is both specific and general: specific in
its examples, general in its use of major themes. Finally, a good essay has a
definite structure: an introduction, a body with an organization and argument,
and a conclusion. So, in doing your essay, you should:
- 1) State you main ideas clearly.
- 2) Give your essay structure. I'd suggest preparing an outline as you
- 3) Give specific examples to back up your main ideas.
Essay Questions:
- 1. Why did the Zapatistas (EZLN) revolt in Mexico? What are their basic
- 2. Considering at least three factors, asses the development of Latin
America in the later part of the twentieth century and its prospects for
growth and development in the future. You may focus on one or two countries
if you prefer. Examples of "factors" include environmental issues,
political stability, democracy and democratization, economic issues, etc.
- 3. Why has the destruction of the Amazon accelerated since the 1960s, and
what are the obstacles to halting that destruction?
- 4. How have both practitioners of Afro-Cuban religions and the Cuban
government made use of Santeria and related religions to confront the
difficulties of the economic crisis of the last 10 years in Cuba? (And don't
even think of cutting and pasting from my article - I know my own writing
and there will be consequences.)
- 5. Compare the Zapatista's (EZLN) analysis of modern Latin America with that of
the Liberation Theologians, and the ways that both groups have responded to
the problems of modern Latin America.
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