Second Industrial Revolution
I. Economic, Demographic Situation of Europe at the Fin de Siècle
A. Second Industrial
1. rapid economic growth
2. decreasing need for agricultural labor
3. growth of service sectors (post office, trained armed
forces, etc.)
4. Increasing use of interchangeability and
standardization in factories
B. Growth of consumer
1. related to today's economy
2. bicycles, sowing machines, automobiles, washers, labor
saving devices
3. fueled by a trickle down of wealth, even to the
poorest workers to some extent
4. Rise of brand name
C. Greater wealth, meant
fewer deaths from disease
1. low infant mortality
2. technology + science in medicine; elimination of
cholera, typhus, smallpox
3. better diet (meat, white bread...)
D. Demographic explosion
1. especially high birth rate in poor countries that
could afford it least
2. where confidence in health was higher, fewer children
but more lived
3. fueled incredible migration
a. country to city
b. Europe to America: 1875-1914, 26
million (the size of all of Italy!)
E. Fueled the
expectation of a rising standard of living-i.e. progress
1. growing pie of wealth
2. technology
would make life easier as well as make Europe stronger
3. great strides in education, especially of the young
4. great strides in suffrage, even in conservative
a. 1885 expansion of suffrage in
b. 1890 universal male suffrage in
c. 1907 universal male suffrage in
d. 1911 universal male suffrage in
F. Beginning of a
"mass culture" of Western Europe
1. mostly middle class in reality or aspirations
2. highly materialistic (techology and cheap goods
created this)
3. highly individualistic
4. high degree of faith in science, technology, and
therefore progress
5. culture for the masses: consumers, voters, producers