Annotated Bibliography
Rationale: This assignment is designed to continue the process of developing your historiographical essay and to demonstrate how you will be using your various sources.
Instructions: As in the short bibliography, you need eight (8) peer-reviewed sources for this assignment. You will write a paragraph describing each source and commenting on how it will be used in your paper.
Sources: You may use the same sources for the annotated bibliography that you used for short bibliography unless I indicate otherwise. This would be the case if there were serious problems with the first list. You may also use other sources, if you have found more useful sources than you did for the short bibliography.
Description: Include topic and methodology. Be brief. Example: Between God and the Party is an historical examination of the Catholic Church in revolutionary Cuba based on extensive interviews and archival research.
Commentary: Questions to consider (you do not have to answer all or any of these): 1) How similar or different is this source to your other sources, in its thesis, methodology, or style? 2) Does the source demonstrate a clear bias or point of view? 3) Are there obvious strengths and weakness in the writing or methodology of the source?
Format: Each source should be treated in a separate paragraph, beginning with a standard bibliographic citation. You will find examples at the bottom of this link (courtesy of Cornell University Library).