Rise and Fall of Ancient Civilizations (2000-1000 BCE)
Second Millennia BCE Civilizations
Urban civilizations develop away from the great river valleys
Increasing emphasis on trade, as urban centers move into agriculturally poorer areas
Increasing expansion of a bureaucratic-military elite
Inherently fragile
vulnerable to climate change
vulnerable to disruption of trade routes
extensive warfare and imperial expansion weaken and overextends civilizations
Mediterranean and Middle East
Hittites (1800-1210 BCE)
mixed farming and herding civilization based in Anatolia (modern Turkey)
depended on trade and conquest for missing resources
sacred king spoke to Sun God; oversaw large bureaucracy
Plague and military losses brings about decline
Minoans (2000 BCE-1500 BCE)
based on Crete, the largest of the Aegean islands
resource-poor Crete necessitated extensive trade
large place-complexes inhabited by a wealthy elite
high levels of disparity between rich and poor
brought down by volcanic destruction of Thera/Santorini c.1500 BCE
Mycenaean's (1500-1100 BCE)
Rise seems to coincide with destruction of Thera
Greek speakers; establish fortress cities on Greek mainland and on Crete
Warrior-kings oversaw extensive trade and constant warfare for resource
Undone by this constant warfare, earthquakes - and possibly the Sea People
Eastern Mediterranean and the Sea People
Ramses III defeats the Sea People in the Battle of the
Delta (c. 1175 BCE), as depicted in his tomb
1200-1100 BCE see collapse of all urban civilization in Eastern Mediterranean
Egypt is the sole exception
Evidence of waves of attacks
Cretans move towns to inaccessible mountain tops
some documentation of waves of attackers in E. Mediterranean cities
Egypt records military victory over the "Sea People" c. 1190 BCE
Invasions and weakness of civilizations may have been caused by famine
evidence of famine - source of famine unclear
may have resulted from overpopulation of agricultural zones
Harappa and the Indus
Harappa civilization collapses by 1500 BCE
Traditionally attributed to the "Aryan Invasion"
Migrants from central Asia move into the Indus and Ganges regions c. 1500-500 BCE
stories of these people collected in the Rig Vedas c. 800 BCE
semi-mythical account of their history and gods
becomes founding text of Hinduism
No evidence of "conquest" - appears to be a migration in response to Harrapan collapse, not the cause of that collapse
Overpopulation and expanding deserts seem to be main causes - Saraswati river dries up
inability of rulers to control and distribute food may have brought about collapse
by 1000 BCE, all Harrapan site shave been abandoned
Decline of the Shang in China
Shang kings had depended on success in war and on ritual status
Both begin to break down c. 1200 BCE, accelerating after 1100 BCE
defeats in battle
ritual sacred kingships develop in surrounding territories (not the only claimant to this status anymore)
Shang king controls less and less territory
overthrown by Zhou c. 1045 BCE
Common Themes - Reasons for Decline
By 1100-1000 BCE, several major civilization have collapsed
Others severely weakened or replaced
intensive agriculture led to rising populations
rising populations required conquest and trade for needed resources
any disruption in agriculture, trade, or warfare could be disastrous
crop failures or loss of land in battle leads to famine, migration
rivals imitate success
opens up possibility of invasion
rivals, if successful, fall prey to the same problems