Recovery Development and Continued Instability
in the First Millennia BCE
Rise and Fall - and expansion as well
Civilizations of the first millennia BCE continue pattern of instability
Period of expansion, generally through conquest
Expansion leads to over extension
resources strained, leads to famine, instability
overextension means vulnerability to sudden shocks
But at same time, large scale regional and multi-regional networks developing
Limitations of Empire
Zhou Dynasty China (1045-256 BCE)
western horsemen conquer Shang region c. 1045 BCE
develop a feudalistic system of government
vassals receive land from king in exchange for military service
loyalty maintained through elaborate ritual
Zhou justify rule through idea of Mandate of Heaven
Shang failed in duties to gods, failed to rule and live in a moral fashion
Zhou fulfill these obligations, gain the Mandate
Vassal system leads to decentralization
breakdown of Zhou imperial power by 771 BCE
Zhou kings flee east, power greatly diminished
vassals compete among themselves
China descends into near constant warfare (Warring States Period, 403-221 BCE)
Despite warfare, Chinese cultural region expands; much intellectual innovation
Empire building in the Eastern Mediterranean
Assyrian Empire (c. 750-620 BCE)
rapidly expanding militarized state conquers much of Middle East, Anatolia, neighboring regions
maintains power through heavy tribute demands and extensive imperial display
expansion and display lead to overextension, collapse
New Babylonian Empire (c. 620-562 BCE)
succeeds Assyrians, uses similar tactics
establishes powerful imperial metropolis
but again, unsustainable
Commercial and Trade-Based Expansion
Originate in East Mediterranean (roughly modern Lebanon)
wealth based on Mediterranean trade
Establish colonies throughout Mediterranean c. 800 BCE
Enables survival of Phoenician culture after home region conquered
Modern alphabets trace origin to Phoenician writing system
Fragemnt of Illiad scroll, oldest known example
of the Illiad (c.2nd century BCE. Illiad Book 10, lines 421-434,
Greek homeland resource poor, but productive in olives
Turn to sea trade and colonization for survival
City-state based culture - high levels of completion between city-states
Emphasis on citizenship and civic duties, defined differently in different cities
Sparta develops a notion of citizenship based on discipline, self-sacrifice, courage, military service
Athens develops a form of citizenship participation in civic institutions, and a modest degree of democracy,
all male citizens vote in the Ekklisia after c.500 BCE
could pass legislation, conduct trials, declare, war, exile citizens
wide variation in other Greek cities
Along with Phoenicians, become key figures in Mediterranean commerce and trade
Begin colonization in Black Sea and Mediterranean for excess population, new trade opportunities
Rise of the City-States
Greece and Phoenicia represent expansion of multiple city-states
Provide an extensive commercial network in the Mediterranean
Some, such as Carthage, will become nuclei for large kingdoms
Problems of Development in Isolation
City-States and small kingdoms develop in the Americas by 1500 BCE
Andean Civilization
Large commercial centers emerge in Peru region c.1500 BCE
enormous monumental structures, primarily in form of mud-brick platforms
evidence of human sacrifice
These centers depend on access to resources across several environmental zones and microclimates
river beds and flood plains
highland regions
Very vulnerable to climate change, such as the periodic El Nino current
Limited opportunities for trade for resource in difficult times
Agricultural villages emerge by at least 2500 BCE
Late development may result from isolation
ceremonial centers and urban centers appear in southern Mexico c. 1200 BCE
like other Amerindian cultures, built extensive ritual platforms
depended on corn, beans, squash
appear to have been ruled by shamanistic priest-kings
decline gradually, but seem to have had widespread influence
Sub-Saharan Africa
Not as isolated as Americas, but isolation still seems to have slowed development
post-1000 BCE, new trade routes and political changes spur development
trans-Saharan trade expands post 1500 BCE (perhaps earlier)
development of iron working by at least 500 BCE in West Africa
Expansion of Nubia/Kush state after 750 BCE
gains autonomy from Egypt after long domination
expands trade networks from Mediterranean into Great Lakes region and beyond
On east coast, Indian Ocean trade routes had been developing at least as early as 1000 BCE, perhaps earlier
would time East Africa to Arabia, Persia, India
in time spurred development of city-states along coast line
Overall, access to trade routes spurs urban and state development