War and the Creation of the American Republic
- Strengths and Weaknesses
- England - Strengths
- Large population, string economy, strong navy
- Allies among Loyalists, Indians, slaves
- Able to use Canada as a base
- For most of war, England had more troops
- Troops better supplied
- England - Weaknesses
- War fought far from home
- Enormously expensive to fight
- Increasingly unpopular distraction from other colonies
- Good generals, but made some poor decisions
- Americans - Strengths
- Fought at home - start out holding 99% of territory
- Much of population prepared to help
- Alliance with France
- Good leaders
- America - Weaknesses
- Weak national unity
- Not everyone wants independence
- Poorly supplied troops
- Many troops went home in the summers
- Americans held the land, England the seas
- French assistance
- Why? Revenge (for Seven Years War) and continuing imperial rivalry
- French surprised by Revolution, not sure what to do
- Pierre Beaumarchais
- Watchmaker to King's mistress
- Hatches a plan - a dummy-front company to funnel money and
donations to rebels
- Couldn't help openly without declaring war
- King authorizes 200,000 pounds (money, not weight) of help for
- First shipment arrives in 1776
- Americans will fight early part of war mainly with French weapons
- Bankrupts French royal treasury, leading to French Revolution
- Fighting the War
- Washington's strategy
- Quickly realized he couldn't take the British head on
- Didn't fight if he didn't had to
- All he had to do to win was survive and keep army intact
- Became a master of retreat, employed guerilla tactics
- Battle of Saratoga - Oct 17, 1777
- First major American victory
- Crucial - no one would help Americans, not even France,
until Americans proved themselves
- Alliance with France
- Benjamin Franklin goes to Paris
- Was the American with greatest respect in Europe
- Renowned for scientific work and "folksy" wisdom
- Regarded as a backwoods genius
- Pretended to be a hick in Paris - Became the hit of Paris
- Women wore necklaces with his image
- Treaty of Alliance - February, 1778
- French recognized U.S. independence
- Americans allowed to conquer Canada and Bermuda; French to conquer
British West Indies (neither happened)
- Neither side would sign peace treaty without other's permission
- Commercial agreement - U.S. would buy more French goods
- Makes victory possible
- At 1781 Yorktown victory, more French troops than American
- French Navy keeps British at bay
- Spanish will also secretly ally with Americans
- Peace
- John Adams joins Franklin in Paris to negotiate peace
- Initial treaty (Nov. 30, 1782)
- British agree to American independence
- Sets boundaries (St. Lawrence and Great Lakes, Mississippi,
northern border of Florida)
- British troops out
- Debtors on both sides pay debts
- Loyalists can keep property
- Why did British agree to Mississippi border?
- Colonists only controlled area to the Appalachians
- British wanted U.S. to be strong enough not to be dominated by
- Wise policy - in time U.S. will become friendlier to British than
- U.S. will refuse to side with French in later wars against British
- Final Treaty of Paris signed in 1783