Revolutionary Ideas
Basic colonial mindset
We are Englishmen
Fundamental Constitutional issues - who has control over what?
Representation vs. Virtual Representation
colonies argued that could not be taxed without direct representation
Parliament argued that they already had "virtual" representation
History had taught English to fear empires
Influenced by the Enlightenment
Intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th century in Europe
rejected idea that humanity was inherently depraved but blessed with reason by
through reason, humanity could construct a better society
there existed "natural laws" of human society, including natural rights of man
all societies, they believed should be based on natural law
Influenced by John Locke (1642-1704), and important Enlightenment thinker
denied the divine right of kings
argued that government should be based on a social contract between government and people
People could remove a government that betrayed their trust
Revolution was justified when tyranny deprived people of their rights
Influenced also by the British Whig party
Party of merchants and new financial groups
Theoretically believed that king governed at people's consent, that sovereignty rested in people
Feared standing army
Feared government corruption
But colonists also uniquely American
Religious changes - the New Lights and the First Great Awakening
Quest traditional church authority
Separated themselves from what they saw as corrupt churches (and by implication, a corrupt England)
Missionization as a form of purification
Began series of revivals, a basically new religious phenomenon
Basis for modern evangelism
Colonial anxiety
Elites divided - how could they unite?
Artisans had economic problems - blamed the British
Farmers needed land - blamed the British
Rebellion was a practical possibility
No rebellions because of earlier provocations
But wealthier now -- more people, more ships
Increasingly didn't need England
Self-sufficient economically
Had all the professional classes, schools, etc.
Own bankers, merchants, artisans, etc.
Fundamental ideas of the Founding Fathers
Any government should prevent some men from rising to tyranny, others from falling into slavery
Government should be plain, simple, and comprehensible to by common sense
Government should be as near to the people as possible
Frequent elections
Rotation of office
Politics should not be a career
Rulers as servants of the people
Government should be an empire of laws, not of men - leads to a written constitution
No written constitution is complete without a specific list of individual rights (leads to Bill of Rights)
A representative legislature is essential to free government
There should be a separation of powers and checks and balances
Wanted to provide liberty, not authority
Emphasize protection rather than power
Wanted delay rather than efficiency
Right to vote and hold office should be limited to men who held a stake in society (property owners) - no universal suffrage
Of course, everything is not so simple
These ideas were promoted in the Revolution
None of them were all that original
Confusion and contradiction in ideas
Some clearly hypocritical - slavery, for one
Not all these ideas were universally agreed on - none, really
Thomas Paine - the most important propagandist
Publishes a pamphlet, Common Sense, in January, 1776 - 100,000 copies
Basic ideas
The king is the problem - didn't say much about Parliament
English law was not protecting colonists
No advantage to being in British Empire - particularly when they dragged colonies into European wars
Lands to the west are colonies future - plants idea of manifest destiny
Independence is a practical necessity, and we should get help from anywhere we can
Will influence the writing of the Declaration of Independence
Is the basic understanding of the Revolution that many common people will have