Religion and Reform
The SGA was a series of revivals, 1800-1837
Spearheaded by Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians (relatively new groups at the time)
Church membership doubled
Old theology weakens
Calvinist pre-destination fades away
Less importance of idea of original sin
Replaced with newer theology
Emphasis on free will and ability to change
Belief that humans could turn away from sin
Humans could embrace moral action
Conversion, acceptance of Christ key to salvation
Increasing belief in possibility of universal salvation - universalism
Greater emphasis on Second Coming
Conversion preceded by intense emotional experience rather than Biblical study
Charles Grandison Finney, preaching at Yale 1824-1837, developed the "invitation" and many other rituals common to modern revivals
The SGA arrives early in rural areas, frontier; later in the cities
These frontier revivals were loud, emotional affairs
Often criticized by more conservative Eastern preachers
Common for whole family to convert
Greatest impact on upper and middle classes
Causes and Origins
Established beliefs out of sync with present experience
Pre-destination had fit better with hierarchical colonial world
Universalism fit better with the more free-wheeling market economy
General weakening of old forms of social control opened up possibility for religious change
Growing unrest in face of social changes meant many people were searching for answers
New evangelicals demanded personal moral reform - led to crusades against alcohol and slavery
Helped elites justify their position - they could claim to be more moral
Moral reform and sectionalism
Early on, SGA appeared in North and South
Reformers believed it was possible to "perfect" society
Believed that bad institutions corrupted inherently good people, creating the poor, the week, social outcasts
reforming these institutions would break that cycle, rehabilitate people
Dorothea Dix sought to humanize insane asylums, in the belief that reformed institutions could rehabilitate these people
Later, emphasis moves north
Perfectionism, the call for creating a perfect Christian society, helped divide North and South
Finney and others against slavery, argued it was impossible in a prefect Christian society
Many northern SGA preachers believed slavery interfered with ability to freely choose salvation
By 1838, 1350 anti-slavery societies had appeared in the North, mostly inspired by SGA
Women' Rights
Women became actively involved in reform movements, leading many to turn their attention to women's rights
In particular, many women active in abolitionism began to draw parallels between the position of women and of slaves
Sara Grimke, and active abolitionist, drew much criticism for her work
This inspired her to write Letters on the Condition of Women and the Equality of Sexes (1837)
Asserted the equality of men and women
Declaration of Sentiments
In part inspired by Grimke, and in part by poor treatment of women at an 1840 abolitionist conference in London, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott called for women's rights conference at Seneca Falls, NY (1848)
Issued a "Declaration of Sentiments"
modeled on the Declaration of Independence
demanded equality in work, law, and politics.