Reconstruction defined
Period of occupation of South and Federal administration of state government, 1865-1877
Two phases
Presidential reconstruction 1865-1867
Reconstruction led by President Andrew Johnson
States readmitted after revoking secession, ratifying the 13th Amendment
Offered broad pardons
Republicans unhappy with Johnson, seen as too pro-Southern
Allows for formation of conservative governments that passed Black Codes
used to restrict the rights of ex-slaves and enforce the dominance of the white planter class
included vagrancy laws, that were used to force freedmen to return to the plantations
Johnson vetoes Civil Rights Bill of 1866 - authorized Federal enforcement of Freedman rights
Congress responds by sending the 14th Amendment to the states for ratification
declared equal citizenship for all born in the U.S.
reduced representation in Congress for states that denied the vote to all male citizens 21 and over
denied Confederate officers the right to hold office
Made all claims for Confederate debts null and void
Ratified July, 1868
Republicans crush Democrats in 1866 election
Radical Reconstruction - 1867-1877
dominated by Congress
South treated as conquered territory
Demanded destruction of the old Southern ruling class
Overrides veto of Civil Rights Bill of 1866 - first time in US history
Protection of rights of Blacks a requirement for readmission - states would have to pass the 14th Amendment to be readmitted
Press to redistribute land to Freedman
Federal help for education
Prohibited denial of voting rights on the basis of race, color, or having formerly been a slave
Ratified March, 1870
State level
Repeal of Black Codes
Invest in social and economic infrastructure
National level peters out in 1870s
State level peters out as states readmitted - ending of military occupation means end of protection of Black rights
Anger with Johnson leads to impeachment, 1868 - Johnson acquitted by one vote
Ended by election of 1876
Outcome of election between Rutherford B. Hayes (R) and Samuel Tilden (D) disputed
Compromise of 1877 - Hayes agrees to end remnants of Reconstruction in return for support of Southern Democrats
Social Revolution from Reconstruction
Freedman's Bureau
Founded at war's end
Meant to ease transition to freedom
Very little advance planning
Redistribution of land - but often lost after readmission
More success founding schools
Phased out by 1869
Freedman needed land but Republicans too concerned about private property to do much about it
Many forced to become sharecroppers
Landowner advanced seeds, fertilizer, tools and clothes to the sharecropper
In exchange, could farm a plot of land, but landowner got a share and told them what to plant
sharecropper had to pay off the initially loan out of harvest proceeds which was usually impossible
Found themselves in debt peonage - permanently tied to the land because they could never pay off their debts
Ku Klux Klan founded in 1865
Widespread violence against Freedmen
Mississippi Plan
In the state election of 1875, Democrats in Mississippi used violence to intimidate back communities
Further used violence to prevent Republicans (usually Blacks) from registering
On election day, used guns and clubs to chase Blacks away from the polling stations
This victory, and similar events in other state became known as "redemption" - the return of white Democrats to power in the South.
Force Acts (1870-71) gave President power to use military against paramilitary groups and enforce voting rights
Grant did not full use this power, enabling gradual elimination of most Black political power
Arrival of Jim Crow
Post-Reconstruction see upsurge in lynchings
White supremacy becomes the mainstay of Southern politics
Steady disenfranchisement of Blacks from 1870s to 1890
Between 1890 and 1910, formal disenfranchisement meant very few Southern Blacks could vote
A conservative Supreme Court makes it easy for process to continue
Women's suffrage
A number of women who had been active in anti-slavery work before the war begin to focus on women's suffrage
That the 14th amendment guaranteed voting rights for all male citizens and excluded women sparked activism
However, there was little political support for women's suffrage, regardless of race, among the major political parties
The issue of whether reformers should focus first on ensuring black male suffrage or push for immediately for broad voting rights for all, including women, split the reformist and suffragist movements
The American Woman's Suffrage Association focused on ensuring male black voting rights first
The National Woman Suffrage Association (1869) took the broader approach
Mary Ann Shadd Cary
A black woman who initially joined the NWSA
putt off by racists sentiments of some the white leaders of the NWSA, formed Colored Woman's Progressive Franchise Association (1871)
advocated for divorce reform, led a group of women who attempted to register to vote in Washington DC (1869)
Memories of Reconstruction
Two novels exemplify the contrasting views of Reconstruction
A Fool's Errand - Albion Torgee, 1879
Describes the futile efforts of a a northern veteran trying to fulfill human goals in the face violence, threats and intimidation
also depicts loyal Southerners ashamed of the Klan and the violence
The Clansman - Thomas Dixon, Jr., 1905
depicts the Radical Republicans as vengeful and crazed, seeking to impose corrupt carpetbagger and black rule over a helpless South
In this novel, a noble and brave Klan saves the South from this fate