African Americans, Native Americans and the Early Republic
- Expanding settlements
- By 1790, federal government declared that Amerindian land could only be
taken by treaty with Federal government
- Although large areas of land passed to settlers under treaty, the treaty
process did not meet increasing demands for land
- States entered into own treaties, and settlers moved onto
Amerindian land illegally
- Amerindians also found themselves increasingly dependent on corrupt
traders for guns and manufactured goods
- Government and churches sought to assimilate Amerindians through
education and missionary work
- Forms of Resistance
- Under influence of Seneca leader Handsome Lake, Iroquois
gravitated to new religious ideas that mixed Christianity and traditional
Iroquois belief
- Renewed group pride of Iroquois
- Revitalized social and cultural institutions
- Cherokee and accommodation
- Cherokee sought survival by adopting and adapting settler culture
- Cherokee National Council formed in 1808
- Established written constitution and legal code
- Established small private farms based on settler models
- Built sawmills, blacksmith shops, and other aspects of the settler
- Eventually entered the cotton economy and used slave labor
- Settler resentment of their success however would eventually lead to
their downfall
- Tecumseh and resistance through violence
- Beginning in 1808, the Shawnee leader Tecumseh began to promote idea
of pan-tribal alliance to resist the settlers
- Defeated in battle by Indiana governor William Henry Harrison in 1811
- Remerged in war of 1812 to fight on side of British, with victories in
Michigan and Indiana
- Finally defeated and killed outside Detroit
- The Creek War, 1813-1814
- Tecumseh's allies among the Creek were called the Red
- Did battle mostly in Alabama
- Defeated finally by Andrew Jackson
- As a result of these defeats, settlers poured into Creek and Shawnee
lands, taking millions of acres
- Amerindian ability to resist settlement from Appalachians to the
Mississippi had been broken
- Slavery, Free Blacks, and the Early Republic
- After the Revolutions, slavery quickly withered in the North
- The development of cotton in the South, however, led to a rapid rise of
slavery there
- Gabriel's Rebellion (1800)
- A group of American born slaves who worked in skilled jobs planned an
assault on Richmond, Virginia
- Rebels numbered about 1000 - led by a man named Gabriel
- The rebellion was discovered and put down before it started
- Like the Haitian Rebellion, scared southern states into enacting
harsher slave codes
- Abolitionism fades
- Though the Revolution inspired anti-slavery sentiment, by
very early 1800s, this had almost completely disappeared in South
- Weakened in the North as well, as slavery there disappeared
while racial attitudes hardened
- Accompanied by the rise of a colonization movement, the idea
of freeing slaves and returning the Africa
- At the same time, free Black communities were developing, primarily in
port cities
- Stable family life strengthened as a result
- These communities also fostered the rise of independent African
American organizations, including mutual aid societies, Masonic lodges,
schools, and more
- One of the most important new institutions was the African Methodist
Episcopal Church (1815)
- Many free Blacks had joined the Methodists, in part because of their
anti-slavery stand
- However, increasing racism in the Methodist Church inspired a group
of Black pastors to form first independent African-American denomination
- Independent Baptist congregations began to form around the same time
- Helped strengthen family and community ties