The Market Revolution
Origins of an American Industrial Revolution
Machinery and factories begin to replace work by hand at home
Will change the way people think about time
Will boost individualism - no more working as families on family farm
Textiles industrialize first
Basis of early industrialization
Industrial espionage (steal ideas from Britain)
Abundant natural recourses
Abundant water power
Technological innovations (sewing machines, harvesters, and the like)
The transportation revolution -- roads, canals, steamships, railroads
Decline in New England agriculture produces cheap labor
Abundant good land in South and West will retard industrialization there
Large population eager for cheap basic goods
Lowell Mills
Founded 1823 in what is now called Lowell, Massachusetts
First textile factories to bring all spinning and weaving operations under one roof
Mean cloth could be made cheaply in large quantities, cheap enough that most Americans could afford
Market expansion
Economy and population grows, meaning greater purchasing power in economy
Interregional trade grows
In colonial period, most states' main trading partner was Britain
Increasingly, it's each other
Under Constitution, no tariff barriers between states
Less dependence in foreign trade
Initially, production depended on the "putting out" system
much of the manufacturing was done as piece work at farms, homes, or small shops
pieces would then be gathered for assembly at the main factory
this allowed workers to maintain traditional living arrangements in rural areas and small towns
The shift away from piecework to full industrialization would force workers to move close to the factories
This caused a rapid growth in the size of cities, especially in industrial areas
These growing cities depended on cheap agricultural products
Western farmers can sell to Eastern cities and provide a market for manufactured goods
Palmer vs. Mulligan
Part of a series of decisions that promoted growth by creating business-friendly law
Laid down the principle that property ownership included the right to develop property for business purposes
The Transportation Revolution
National Road - State and Federal governments cooperate to build road from Maryland to Illinois (begun 1811)
Erie Canal, built 1818-1825, from Buffalo to Albany
Biggest engineering project in USA up to that point
Connected Great Lakes to Hudson and New York City
Connected Midwest to Northern Atlantic
Began to appear 1820-1830
Made travel common on major rivers and Great Lake
West and Northeast drawn together
South developing differently, less well linked
North and Northwest industries
Machines and machine tools
South increasingly dependent on cotton
Commercial centers remain in Northeast and New York
South continues to depend more on England
Two complementary systems developing
North and Northwest trade manufactured goods for food
South and England trade cotton for manufactured goods
Roads and canals link North and West
Few roads go North-South
Market Revolution creates winners and losers
Creates a more individualistic society
Creates modern classes
Working class
factory workers, transportation workers
Urban poor - day laborers and unskilled workers
Middle class
professionals, managers, shopkeepers, highly skilled workers.
Their values come to define morality
Upper class - larger, more visible, and richer than before
Class consciousnesses increases
Class hostility increases
Hope for mobility declines
Growing social problems
Alcoholism goes up
Prostitution increases
Family violence, divorce, etc. increase
Increased urban violence -
U.S. cities were slow to create modern police forces
Increased social and racial tensions resulted in numerous riots
The Philadelphia Merry-Go-Round Riot (1834)
A mostly Irish crowd of several hundred people attacked a racially mixed neighborhood over two days
While racial motivations were important, this was also a conflict between members of the underclass in competition with each other
Also reflected the crowded, dirty, unhealthy conditions of a city in the early stages of industrialization
All members of urban poor families must work for survival
Patriarchy (authority of fathers) decreases - can not support family alone
Urban poverty linked to increasing violence
Children liberated from parental control
Don's have to wait for marriage, with availability of wage paying jobs
Rural children can leave family for the city
Lowell Girls
Women aged 15-30
Worked in factories, lived and ate at boarding houses away from family
End of Jeffersonian Republic?
Yeoman farmer tied increasingly to market
Wage laborers dependent on bosses fro jobs