The Growing Conflict
The Townshend Acts
Greenville replaced as Prime Minister by William Pitt
Pitt probably understood colonists better than any British politician
But he quickly became ill
Real power fell to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Charles Townshend
Townshend in power
Much like Greenville in basic outlook
Parliament is supreme, and the colonies must provide revenue for own protection, government
New taxes - 1767
Convinces Parliament to tax British paint, lead, paper and tea in the colonies
These were external taxes, since they were imported goods
Some money would go to pay for civil service in colonies
Would pay for salary of governors, making them more independent of legislatures
Colonists respond much as they had to Stamp Act
Boston, New York and Philadelphia adopt non-importation agreements, promising not to import or consume British goods
Boycott spreads, supported by vigilante mobs in many places
Within a year, British imports had dropped by half
Massachusetts legislature sent circular letter to other colonies advocating action against Townshend acts
Treated as treason by royal government - MA legislature dissolved by governor
In defiance, other legislatures took up the letter
This laid groundwork for committees of correspondence and further union of colonies
The "Boston Massacre" (March 5, 1770)
British sent 4000 troops to Boston in part to intimidate the unruly colony
On March 5, 1770, a minor incident got out of hand, and troops fired on civilians, resulting in five deaths
Sam Adams, a pamphleteer, played it up as a terrible massacre
He and a small number of pro-independence radicals able to whip up anger over incident
Ironically, his cousin and future U.S. President John Adams served as soldier's lawyer and got them acquitted
A Period of Calm (1770-1773)
Townshend replaced with Lord North
All but tea tax rescinded under North's urging
Many Americans backed away from radicalism - Loyalist group emerging
But troubles remained
Corrupt customs officials angered many
Sam Adams kept radical fires going in Boston,
Propaganda focused on increasing British power
Established committees of correspondence in Massachusetts
would keep track of grievances against British
idea spread to other colonies
would pave the way for formation of Continental Congress
Regulators revolt
While rural involvement in revolutionary activities was small, there were areas of great conflict
Western North Carolina farmers, angered over continuing corruption of government officials, revolted in mid 1760s, shut down courts and govt. offices
Not suppressed until 1761
The Final Crisis (1773-1776)
The Tea Act, 1773
East India Company faced bankruptcy
Was one of England's biggest companies - many important investors
Parliament decided to help
Would get a monopoly on tea trade in colonies
Could sell directly to colonies, cutting out middlemen
This would enable them to sell tea cheaper than smugglers
Would pay tea tax to government
A win-win: Colonists get cheaper tea, EIC doesn't go bankrupt, government gets taxes
Colonial view
a devious way to get people to accept tea tax
opposed to monopoly - which took business away from colonials
Boston Tea Party, December 16, 1773
No one knew it at time, but this was real beginning of American Revolution
Men disguised as Mohawks dumped 10,000 pounds worth of tea from three ships into harbor (an absolute fortune at the time)
Sam Adams might have organized it - no one knows for sure
British Reaction to the Tea Party - the Coercive Acts (called in colonies the Intolerable Acts) - 1774
Closed Boston as post until tea paid for
Massachusetts self-government abolished
Colony charter voided
Upper house of legislature became appointed, not elected
Town meeting limited to once a year
Justice Act - British officers accused of crimes would be sent to England where they were unlikely to be convicted
Quartering - Army could requisition any building for troops
George III appoints General Thomas Gage as new Governor of MA
Meant to isolate Boston -- but failed to do so
The Quebec Act - 1774
Parliament finally got around to deciding what kind of government Quebec would have
Left in place undemocratic French system - no colonial legislature
Coupled with Intolerable acts, seen as foretaste of destruction of other legislatures
Also seemed to guarantee that English colonists would not get Ohio territory
The First Continental Congress (Sept 1774, Philadelphia)
Committees of correspondence organize a Congress to address crisis
Most representatives selected by popularly elected state conventions, not more conservative legislatures
Called for autonomy, not independence - wanted their rights as Englishmen
The Association
Agreed to support a boycott of British goods until Intolerable Acts rescinded
Created committees throughout colonies to enforce boycott
This is a governmental decision, setting national policy - important first step
Local committees themselves took on many governmental responsibilities
Enforcement of boycott forced people to choose - loyalist or patriot?
Parliament's reaction
Some wanted conciliation, including Lord North
But most saw Congress as an act of defiance and wanted to punish Americans
Lexington and Concord - the first battle - April 19, 1775
Colonists had been forming militias, Gen. Gage wanted to do something about it
Set out to seize supplies held at Concord (MA)
The Lexington militia met him on road, shots rang out, 8 Americans killed
Word got out, British had to deal with "minutemen" as they marched back
A disaster for British - Americans killed 247 British soldiers
War has begun
Second Continental Congress (May, 1775 - Philadelphia)
Much more radical than First
Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin part of this one
"Declaration of Causes" threatens breaking of ties with British
George Washington appointed leader of militias
Decision for Independence
Most colonists opposed to it, even at this point
But British passed Prohibitory Act (Dec, 1775), that cut off all colonial trade until colonists begged for mercy - final straw for many
Thomas Paine's Common Sense appeared in January, 1776, swaying common people that it was time for independence
July 2 - Congress votes for independence, adopts Declaration on July 4.