Rubric for Reflective Activity Log

                                                                                      Name:___________                                                                                                                                               Total   Score: ___________






74 or below











(40 pts)

Entries are minimal and show little thought or effort. Many entries are missing.

Entries are limited in information.

Several entries are missing.

9 Entries/9 Sessions

Most entries show thought and effort.

10 Entries/10 sessions

Entries are complete. descriptive, reflective, informative and exceed all requirements.


Reflection in Entries

(40 pts)

Little or brief   discussion and reflection

Entries include a vague description of field experiences with some  reflections on growth and areas for improvement for candidate as well as students.

Entries include a description of field experiences with   reflections on growth and areas for improvement for candidate as well as students.

Entries include rich description of field experiences with thoughtful reflections on growth and areas for improvement for candidate as well as students.  (Evidence of critical thinking.)


Conventions/ Mechanics

(20 Pts)

Numerous errors in conventions and mechanics of writing.

Some errors in conventions and mechanics of writing.

Errors in conventions and mechanics that do not interfere with reader’s understanding

Few, if any errors, in conventions and mechanics of writing that do not interfere with reader’s understanding.