Reading Buddy Project-Spring 2013

Director: Beth Christian, Ed.D.

Field Study Supervisor: Ms. Deborah Bellamy


EDCI 2200-Field Study Syllabus

Service Learning and TSU's Mission.

K-6 Teacher Ed. Program at VSCC


TSU/Sumner County Partnership

for Improved Literacy Instruction and Learning

Guild Elementary School 

Vena Stuart Elementary School

Benny Bills Elementary

TSU pre-service teachers will work one-on-one with individual students who struggle with reading and writing at Benny Bills Elementary, Guild Elementary School and  Vena Stuart Elementary School. Pre-service teachers are placed in classrooms and matched with struggling readers to provide tutoring, assessments, interventions in conjunction with the classroom teacher and reading specialist as each deems appropriate as PART of their EDCI  2200 Field Study Experience.

Pre-service teachers will begin by  Students are required to complete a Kid-watching Assignment with reading buddy before beginning tutoring and other assignments.  

Getting Started


Once pre-service teachers are matched with Guild/Vena Stuart/Benny Bills students, pre-service teachers are encouraged to spend time with  students getting to know them and  reading aloud with them  for pleasure during breakfast, lunch, or another appropriate time arranged by the classroom teacher or Reading Specialist.

Tutoring: Directed Reading Lessons/Interventions


Preservice Teachers must tutor their READING BUDDY  ONCE (OR TWICE) A WEEK FOR 25-30 MINUTES USING THE REQUIRED  Recording Form

Pre-service teachers are required to work one-on-one with reading buddies during the at times designated by the cooperating teacher and/or reading specialist using the predetermined six-step tutoring lesson. Students may also work with small groups of students in guided reading as directed by the cooperating teacher.

Reflections and Outcomes

Recording Forms/Reflections


Pre-service Teachers are required to complete a Primary or Intermediate Tutoring Record for each tutoring session.  (Click here for Tutoring Resources).


Students are required to print and give evaluation form to cooperating classroom teacher regarding activities, professionalism, etc.



  • Pre-service teachers are also required to teach three literacy/literature based lessons as poart of the Field Study Practicum (EDCI 2200-Field Study Syllabus)
  • Pre-service teachers may also required to assist with guiding reading and/or small groups  during the Reading Block as directed by the classroom teacher.
  • For liability purposes, pre-service teachers should not be left alone in the classroom with the children.
  • Pre-service teachers should not be required to make copies, run errands, make bulletin boards, grade papers (unless related to the reading, writing,  vocab., spelling, or other individual assessments).
  • Pre-service teachers should always be engaged in meaningful activities that serve the teachers and students and Guild Elementary/Vena Stuart Elementary and their own learning and growth as a teacher.



Service-learning is a teaching methodology that enriches instruction by providing thoughtfully designed opportunities for students to use their skills and knowledge in service to and with the community. Service-learning meets students' varied academic/learning needs and develops skills and abilities in problem-solving, decision making, critical analysis, group process, and team building. Service-learning also builds new partnerships between the university and the community that support student achievement and increase community involvement.

Field Education provides students with co-curricular service opportunities that are related, but not fully integrated, with their formal academic studies. Students perform the service as a part of a program that is designed primarily to enhance students’ understanding of a field of study, while also providing substantial emphasis on the service being provided.

Reflection is one of the most important tools necessary to ensuring a successful service-learning experience. It is the means through which someone can make sense of what they are seeing and doing and learn from it. The complete reflection process is essentially never-ending. Connected reflection is essentially the component that links the “service” the students are doing at their community organizations with the structured “learning” they are working through in the classroom. Without structured reflection, students may fail to make the connection between the course content and its relationship to the service work.Reflection leads to understanding, which in turn leads to more informed action. Effective reflection leads to a better understanding of social problems and to the quest for better solutions.

Service Learning Objectives/Outcomes

  • Pre-service teachers will build relationships with K-5 students and cooperating teachers.
  • Pre-service teachers will apply knowledge, skills, and strategies learned in Literacy Methods I
  • Pre-service teachers will self-evaluate and reflect upon tutoring sessions, lessons, interactions with K-5 and cooperating teachers
  • Pre-service teachers will make modifications based on self-evaluations and feedback from supervisors and cooperating teachers.
  • K-5 students reading skills, scores, and self-confidence will increase
